Tuesday, November 29, 2005

post-paper syndrome

At this point in time, i am happy to report that i have just finished one paper and am sad to report that i still have one more to go - on the last day - in the afternoon - after which a whole endless string of events commences taking me all the way to the start of the new sem where we begin again...

But anyway, i sit here in the central library typing this cos after the aforementioned paper, as with all the others, i have had no desire whatsoever to prepare for the next one. Yup, i'll do anything - blog, sleep, run, play soccer even (ok, not that one) - just not study.

So just now was my fourth paper - and my only closed-book one. Incidentally, its also the one that i've had to memorise the most mundane matters for which makes for one moody matt [alliteration initially incidental, then purposeful (nonsensical utterances, one symptom of post-paper syndrome)].

I must admit, i didn't prepare enough for it over the past few days since the last paper (extended post-paper syndrome), and was feeling just that little bit kancheong going in to it. But then i talked to Jean and Samson and listened to the bulk of people outside the exam hall while waiting for the doors to open and realised that we were all in the same boat, for this paper really is one kind one...

Whatever it is, once again, by God's grace, he brought me through it. Really very humbling i must say. This the first (and better be the last) time that i've had to write four essays in two hours (you can see the red callouses and cramped fingers on my right hand), and furthermore on a module with such diverse themes. Somehow, in my last minute frantic and forgetful force-feeding of freaky facts (=P) i managed to ingest enough of the stuff that was needed for the questions, and during the paper itself regurgitated appropriately. Some dates and terms a little salah here and there methinks, but more or less (the proceeding expression is inspired by Mei Si) can make it lah =P...

So now all that's left is one more paper, and then my marathon december awaits... Onward i march to the depths of Thai history!

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