Friday, November 04, 2005

how toot can i get?

After months and months on end of lamenting to everyone in sight (and some out of sight too) that i was faced with the sad reality of having exams that begin on the first (18th Nov) and end on the last (1 Dec) day of arts fac exams, just now while compiling my exam timetable i realised that ultra-toot me had been misleading myself the entire time, and that my papers do not cover such a long duration after all.

Of course, the sad part is that the part i got wrong was the starting date, and not the ending date, which means that i still suffer the sad reality of being one of the last few left piah-ing in the library (either central or marine parade) all the way to the end. I have the added depressing news that my first paper is on my birthday, and it's for something that i know nuts about (am still procrastinating watching the last four or so webcast lectures that i skipped out of laziness of going to science) [but of course it's s/u-ed, so maybe not so bad...]

Oh well, for posterity's sake, here's my much complained-about timetable:
Intro to computing: MONDAY, 21 NOV 2005 (MORNING)
Intro to SEA Hist: WEDNESDAY, 23 NOV 2005 (AFTERNOON)
EL 2101 (killer!): SATURDAY, 26 NOV 2005 (AFTERNOON)
Asian American Hist: TUESDAY, 29 NOV 2005 (AFTERNOON)
Thai Hist: THURSDAY, 01 DEC 2005 (AFTERNOON)

At least there are long breaks in between each paper, which just means more opportunities to stone away...

Then there's the added issue of ippt, which i am taking in just over 30 hours time... Went to look at the requirements for passing again and suddenly it looked very do-able. Only need to do 6 pull-ups and jump 216cm, and a pass is quite achievable. On the other hand, however, i haven't done at least 6 pull-ups and jumped at least 216cm since ORD more than a year ago...

On the plus side, today i was very blessed and encouraged by the sharing of a Thai pastor, Thanit, whom the Thailand MEET team interviewed at SBC for part of our assignment for the next meeting. It's times like this when i realise how the Lord has blessed us Christians here in S'pore so tremendously, and by inference how much is expected from us (Matt 25:29)

Also, after that, we went to Island Creamery to indulge just that little bit. My first time eating the ice cream there and definitely not my last *licks lips*, though i would hesitate to try the tiger beer sorbet though...

And of course, there's the whole plethora of exciting stuff coming up once 1 December is long gone: MEET stuff, AnnTIC, Amazing Race (hopefully), meeting people, exercise free from the shackles of ippt *crosses fingers*, NO SCHOOL...

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