Sunday, November 06, 2005

the aftermath

This afternoon, after the previous post and lunch, although i was not that sleepy, i just lay in bed all the way from around two-ish to five-ish doing pretty much nothing - didn't even sleep methinks cos time passed so slowly... Sort of dozed off and woke up intermittently, checking the clock in between only to find out that mere minutes had passed by. This pattern was also sporadically peppered with "semi-dreams", whereby i was dreaming nonsense stuff while being fully aware that i was doing so... Weird. Almost like i was under the influence of something... And of course this all meant that i have neglected my revision entirely for yet another day...

After that made the long and arduous one minute journey to church for cell. Always good to see, to learn more about God's word, to pray and to fellowship with one another. Dunno how to out this more tactfully, but it's good to be at the receiving end of spiritual feeding now and then, otherwise sometimes things can get quite draining...

Somehow i felt like running again this evening, partially cos this morning's running experience indicated to me that there's still loads of room for improvement, and also because i think that it's a great way to relax and relieve pent-up school stress (which admittedly i don't have a lot of now cos i haven't been working hard at all), while being a good way to exercise too. So it was to ecp with my dependable running kaki again. Have to find another one once he goes off for sep next sem though...


Eunice said...

wahh...u actually feel like running? hehe...

anyway, everyone needs to receive at some point of time, if not you'll feel dry...and cell groups are the time for that i of course your own devotions and reading books and all that...input is important too!! :) but keep up with the outputting as well...take care yah?

chilipino said...

Haha hard to believe eh? The matt you last saw at the airport is now in the midst of an exercise craze phase...
Yup, methinks that as of late the Lord has been making me realise the importance of both input and output, in balanced proportions. Really beginning to treasure all these opportunities that the Lord has provided for both... There is no limit to the wonders that we can gather from God's Word, and that we can share with others too Amen to that =)
Keeping you in prayer, c ya in fiftysomething days' time (must check with Dan for the exact number haha)... Can't wait...