Tuesday, March 07, 2006

it's been a week since my last post and i can't think of another title

ooh long time since last post (by my standards at least...)

what have i been up to? lots of work to do, that's what.

as of now, i have one mid term on thursday, two essay thingies due next monday and wedensday, two group projects and one more essay due by the end of the month on my mind, especially so since apart from the mid term (slightly less than halfway through readings - upon which questions will be based so cannot siam them), i've hardly started on any of them

but today was a good booster for me, cos got back two pieces of work - one essay and one test - that, by God's grace, scored far better than i could have hoped or imagined - especially so for the essay, which i was still hard at work on mere hours before the deadline cos i started waaaay too late... Yet again (and i do realise i say this all the time, yet it still is always so true) another humbling experience for me =), since i was really desperate then and secured the prayer support of quite a few people just to see me through writing it. For the test too, i initially saw the paper and was like "$&%^@!!!" but again by God's grace the words just came out somehow eventually =)

One more test to be returned though, and the prognosis doesn't look good... But i'll take what i get lah, especially since the project now seems to be headed in a generally positive direction.

in news totally unrelated to this apart from the fact that it also took place in between this post and the last one, i somehow anointed myself in fairprice brand corn oil on sunday when i was trying to grab the bottle in the kitchen from outside through the window to pass to my mother and the stupid low quality bottle cap flew open, making me feel like a turkish oil wrestler or a rotiboy bun...

In honour of Sharon Liu (if you are so led back to this blog again =p), who today reported to me that she was led by 'divine inspiration' to find my mention of her on this blog, here's the link for easier navigation... And btw, i never said you were making monkey faces what... that was obviously your own feel of the situation haha... And also when i said "guess which one" i meant which end of the lunacy scale, not which one of the three was the most looney (btw hands down the winner of that would be obvious - guess which one haha)...

Have to somehow work through many thick readings by thursday morning...

au revoir

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