Sunday, March 19, 2006

aiyah can't think of a title again *bleah*

stayed at home today, partly out of laziness and partly cos of my talked-about-till-death decision not to buy bus pass since a sizeable number of charitable rides to and from school offset any potential $ savings that could otherwise be spent by taking the bus everyday using the pass.

well, needless to say, as i have also always talked about to death, that meant that i didn't get any work done at home today.

am i annoyed? you bet i am, but at the same time i have this strange feeling of resignation that this will happen, and hence i don't seem to really agonize over the hours lost. Which is bad i suppose, cos while rushing work last minute due to matters of prime importance such as service etc taking up the time is ok, rushing work cos you procrastinated and just lay like a lazy pig at home doing nothing isn't... That's being a bad steward of time in my books. And just as well, since this therefore makes me living proof of the saying "it takes one to know one..."

anyway, after wasting the whole day away at home i decided to make something productive of my day, by going for a run from roxy to costa sands and back [of course this is linked to my quest to burn the 50x (where x = grossly huge and uncountable number of conveyor belt plates that i helped myself to at Aiwo yesterday
) calories/get in some sort of shape before ippt (which incidentally i also have talked about till death)].

somehow a good portion of the lights at ecp were off, so there were portions of my run when i literally was running in the dark, half expecting that guy robed and hooded in black with the freaky mask and brandishing a kitchen knife to pop out and eviscerate me and string me from a tree upside down (yup what a warped mind i have eh...)

and maybe the darkness had something to do with me missing my usual halfway point (the pond opposite the ecp from vj) which Mark n i ran around before turning back last time, and instead carrying all the way to the end of costa sands before turning. But anyway, thankfully got through with the whole thing in 40min 30 sec, the distance covered being unknown to me though...

was also able to have a good time of prayer while running, somehow running with a certain sense of direction subconsciously translated into my prayers having much more apparent direction too. yupyup was good, i haven't been praying enough and when i have been praying often it has become an exercise in regularity, so always good for a change like i had today =)

all in all a good start lah, if sweat is a testament to the intensity and success of a workout, then just now must have been enough to get me a gold hehe., cos shirt so soaked probably had enough sweat wrung out of it to fill an entire nalgene (not that i tried of course), now for the discipline to keep this up on a regular basis... Here's another shout out for running kakis...

So i have stuff due on wed and thu which i haven't started on yet. My aim is to not finish them one hour before the deadline as was the case with my last assignment handed in...

bonne nuit

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