Tuesday, March 28, 2006

only two deadlines left and i'm annoyed with self

The past few days have been rather interesting ones for me, much of this centered around the latest deadline that has only just been cleared.

Well, to cut a short story even shorter, i more or less wasted my weekend again, methinks by now for the third successive time, a lot of this stemming from my self-imposed confinement at home, which has had disastrous effects on my desired work schedule...

Then it was only on late late Sunday afternoon that i took a look at my deadlines, only to make the very delayed realization that my then upcoming deadline, which up to that point i had done little about, was the following tuesday (i.e. today). Jialat! (© CMS =p *what*)

So basically much of my time since then has featured me in various stages of desperation trying to finish what i had to do. Enroute to handing it up at 1650 hrs, a mere 10 minutes before the deadline, from two days before when i realised that the deadline was so close, i: 1) managed a relatively successful almost-all-nighter (cos i still did fall asleep) at home, 2) managed a relatively successful almost-all-nighter (cos i still did fall asleep) at school (and no lah, am not one of those who camp overnight in the forum or something like that - i bunked over at friend's hall- i'm hardly that die-hard), 3)managed to waste loads of time in between, which, if instead channeled to proper usage, might have resulted in a less sleepy me today due to me finishing my part earlier.

Needless to say, i didn't let my project mates know about my little secret of only realizing the deadline two days ago (until now, at least, since i know some of you are reading this right now), cos didn't want to complicate matters... Something like my intro to computing project group last sem, from whom i withheld the info that i actually s/u-ed the module, cos didn't want them to get any wrong impressions... Apologies if caused any offence in any way...

Furthermore, my last-minute preoccupation with the project meant that i didn't have time to prepare for my tutorial, which meant that this was the first time this sem that i kept my mouth shut during the whole hour, cos really had nothing intelligent to talk about... Felt pretty bad not only cos my class participation points would be lower, but also cos this is always my favourite tutorial, and the tutor deserves far more than that... Sorry!

Oh well, this is a lesson to me to be more prepared and aware of what is due when from now on... Especially so if this affects persons other than myself... Thankfully, we managed to finish the thingy on time =)

Tried out the ear plugs that Sida got me after i had casually remarked that i needed something to block off my ears from the pointless drivel that is most of the programming on tv mobile while on the bus 10 home. Not bad, cut down on 29 decibels (so the box says) worth of noise, but still could hear the background... Good enough for less distracted quiet times =)

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