Tuesday, March 14, 2006

better wake up my idea

The short of it is that the ss essay which i got all agitated and annoyed and other adjectives that are better off not being typed here was finally completed today at around three something post meridian.

The long of it is that i was all prepared to pull an all-nighter to finish (and start and all that is between the two) typing the silly thing. Here's roughly what happened:

After church i took the long and arduous one minute journey back home to eat and build upon the miniscule research that i had already done. Managed to consolidate all my info by just before five, after which i cycled down to ecp for the UNC/NUS barbeque (once again so nice to stay in the east =). Had quite a bit of fun, got to meet many people, be they from here or from there, had great food (why don't Singaporeans ever barbeque burgers?), and made my maiden (and moderately successful, might i add) attempt at starting (or more accurately, preserving) the fire which was blowing hot and cold throughout (not literally of course - if we managed to obtain a cold fire then think can win a nobel prize already...)

But i digress again. Left early in order to have more time to do the essay. Got home before ten, bathed and then got off to a promising start, finishing 300 plus words by midnight. Then me made the stupid decision to nap, and (ok we all know where i'm headed to now) woke up to see the big red digital clock numbers 5:58 staring me in the face... Almost exactly twelve hours to the deadline...

Somehow, and most undeservedly given my wholly negative attitude towards the whole paper, the Lord blessed me with relatively calm demeanour, such that i was able to take stock of what i had to do, sit down at my com, and gradually churn out most of the remaining 1600 words or so such that i was able to leave for school by 1030, go for class at twelve, and then polish off the rest of the essay before my next class at four and hand it up just before six.

Methinks that this is the closest call that i've had with schoolwork so far, and a clear indication that the Lord still is working in even ways such as these to see me through, even when admittedly now is far from where i'd like to be in my walk with God at the moment. His power indeed is made perfect in our weakness =)

So now the essay-hardened me will now have to tackle another essay, for el, a walk in the park in terms of word count as compared to the other one, but nevertheless hard to conceptualize as well. Due in approximately 40 hours time... My hope and prayer is that i take it much more seriously than i did the ss one, which is yet another humbling learning process for me...

Know that it's time to be getting more sleep when even my mother (my parents almost never explicitly show concern for my well-being - but don't read it wrongly, i like it that way and i know they do {awwww...}) asks me if i am getting enough sleep. Well with me arriving home after eleven at night and leaving the house before seven every morning i don't blame her...

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