Saturday, March 11, 2006

deadlines impending, me delaying, time fading

At home now for a change, unlike most of my previous saturdays this year, more or less specifically because my bus pass just ran out yesterday and i am hesitant to buy another one, especially so since now i can count on the occasional ride to and from school from Sida, making it a financial loss now for me to pay $52 a month to fund an annoyingly inefficient and distracting (read: tv mobile) transport system (yup i know we're pampered and all here compared to other places but ah well, it'll never be perfect so...)

Have been attempting to find some way to get over the initial barrier of starting my irritating ss assignment, haven't found it yet hence this post =)

So anyway, thanks to all the dear people who contributed to my last year's birthday/this year's birthday (since i'll probably be away)/appreciation/charity out of sheer lan-ness of stuff that they replaced present of the jansport bag and the white shirt with weird writings on it (which were not as bad as Mei Si had made it out to be - since most of the words are indecipherable save at close proximity - i wouldn't buy it if i were shopping by myself, but it is nice nevertheless and i promise to wear it on tuesday, at the least to placate she who seems to be more excited about the presents than even me =p) And while we're at it, thanks too to Ade Fam for the guitar strings and the guitar as well. All these presents have/will come in very useful... Am really blessed to have friends like you all (and not just because of the stuff of course, though that undoubtedly played a part =)

Still lamenting my need to exercise in order to prepare for ippt, which taking exchange, attachment and MEET into consideration means that i have to book a date sometime between may and (absolute latest) july, though i am thinking that fitness level may drop drastically at MEET and attachment, such that i'll have to push for may, which means i'll have to train if i want to have a decent shot at the silver which i somehow said is rather achievable. Have people whom i can train with but have not the time to do so, and given the steady string of assignments that i have, perhaps not on a regular basis till April 29 (the last day of exams) which would not bode well for a may date... Jialat! (© CMS)

Ok better scoot off now if i want to have any chance of completing this silly thing by tomorrow, since it's due the following day and have yet another thing due on wednesday which is in the yet-to-be-conceptualized stage.


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