Wednesday, March 01, 2006

that darn shirt

Had an eight am test this morning, so in preparation i woke up at the obscenely early hour of six am, had a shower to wash off the drowsiness, and eventually found my way onto the usual bus 10 en route to school.

Was about ten minutes away from school when i looked down at my shirt and realised that what i thought i was wearing didn't look like this. Upon closer inspection i realised that i was wearing the tee i normally wear to sleep instead of the other one that i had intended to wear... Obviously that aforementioned shower didn't do a good enough job of washing away the drowsiness, right after it i put on the shirt that i had just slept in...

To make matters worse, this shirt, while perfect for wearing to sleep since it is thin (methinks around one third of an mm thick, and also very old) and therefore cooling to wear at night, is absolutely not meant for wearing out, even more so in school, where thousands of pairs of fashion-conscious eyes abound. Not only is it very drab, but its thinness means that under the right light, you can practically see what's under it... (i realised that when i looked at myself in the nus toilet mirror...) Perfect for wet t-shirt contests yes, but for school, not in a million years... [thankfully it has not reached the holey stage yet]

I had half a mind to go to Eusoff and borrow a proper shirt from my friend, especially since i had arrived at 730am, but i decided against it since i thought that that would make me all distracted by the time the test started... So i thought, hmm i'm sure everybody else is not as conscious of me as i am of myself, so never mind lah... Sort of like a social experiment to see people's response to my scruffiness...

So thus commenced my attempts at making my clothing as inconspicuous as possible (somehow that last line doesn't sound quite right - rest assured i am no nudist) [which i suppose worked since no one called me on it - unless they were keeping mum - i didn't want to draw attention to my toot-ness until i was no longer to be seen in the shirt - i.e. now, in retrospect - so as to avoid further embarassment for me], these attempts including crouching low in my seat and holding my blue file close to my chest so as to minimize public view of me and the scruffy shirt.

I realised that with how i appeared just now: scruffy, paper-thin and translucent tee shirt; holey backpack; just-woke-up hair; unshaven; particularly noisy stomach rumblings during the test; i must have appeared as though i was seeking refuge from the streets or something like that...

Oh but enough about the scruffy shirt... Anyways, the test today was not too good, think i more or less screwed up the essay portion, but oh well, can't be changed now... And in any case, now anytime i thonk of a difficult test, i take comfort in knowing that it probably would not sink any lower than my 2/10 score for my first el2101 quiz last sem... That probably added to my sian and dour demeanour today so apologies to all who were subject to it...

Went swimming after lessons, cos figured that it's an excuse to be seen not wearing the stupid shirt without being offensive =p oh and of course to exercise as well... Got burnt again =x

After that, suddenly a bright idea came to mind that since i was not dressed for school, why not go study at a more fitting environment? So guess what? I went to the beach at ecp... Really good idea, methinks, cos the cool breeze was a perfect counter to the kiln-like temperature today, and furthermore it was relatively quiet and relaxing too. You all should try it (Ah the benefits of living in the east =) Of course, i ended up spending more time getting there from school than actually studying there, but still nevertheless a good precedent was set...

Then to round off the day i went to catch Brokeback Mountain at GV (after going home to change first, of course). In just two months, i have watched as many movies this year as i did in the whole of last year (i.e. 3), heavily facilitated by my use of the vouchers that i won in a bowling competition (yes, as impossible as that sounds, i have actually won something in a sports contest before =) Anyways, it was a good movie, save, once again, for its moral message...

Happy AC Founder's Day! The Best is Yet to Be =)


Anonymous said...

back in secondary sch, i'd always loved waking up at 6am to shower. i'll promptly wake up the moment my mother called me :D

purplecross said...

actually, if u hadn't blogged.. i would have forgotten tt matt wore a thinner-than-usual shirt to school yday..

but since u mentioned it, it explains..

besides i just had a very good laugh while reading this. my mom & dad had to ask me to shut-up=X