Friday, September 02, 2005

hope i'm not falling sick

Have finally come to the conclusion that i shall endeavour to do my quiet time either at home before leaving for school (which would entail setting the alarm to seven am instead of the current seven thirty) or at the quaint green tables at the arts canteen [otherwise known, as i have been told, as hell (since there are three levels to the canteen and the upper two are called heaven and earth), which is rather ironic, considering that many CFers congregate there] (and which would also entail waking up at seven, in order to get to school early enough to have sufficient time for a good quiet time).

Why? Cos i am sick of having to share God's time with the eternally annoying and distracting tv mobile on the stuffy bus 10 every morning. If i am not turned off by the silly questions that the hosts of 'primetime morning' like to ask (the cake goes to Suzanne Jung, who of all things to ask PJ Thum , the channel swimmer, as the opening question, asked, "so 35km, how many swimming pool lengths is that?" *slaps forehead* the next thirty seconds thus featured our heroic first-ever channel swimmer reduced to doing math in his head on live television, in order to answer that pointless question...), then i get distracted by stuff that occasionally flashes on the screen (particularly tennis results, now that the US Open is underway...).

Finally, by God's grace, i was able to complete the long-delayed MEET form and hand it up today. My only regret is not having taken a better photo for the form, for i do look like a doofus in the one that i submited with the form... Why am i never satisfied with my photos?

Before frisbee today, decided to take advantage of the good weather and the fact that i was going to get all dirty and smelly later anyway to go for another 2.4km run. And for the second time in a row, i made the momentous achievement of bettering my previous time by an amazing one second to 11'39"24. I wonder if i had subconciously cheated that time in army when i somehow completed the distance in 10min 25 sec, cos at the rate i am going i can't see how that time could have ever been possible...

Went for the frisbee thingy for a while, never saw so many frisbees in my life. There was, at one point in time, around 15 or so of us, and it seemed that everyone had at least one frisbee. It looked like some goofy UFO convention, with all those brightly-coloured discs flying around.

Had to leave early for cg, the first Bible Study... Went quite well, by God's grace, and we were able to find a venue after some initial difficulty. Even when we were found out by the uncle as we were about to end, he was thankfully quite a nice and understanding man, and didn't give us any trouble...

By the time we reached fong seng, however, i was feeling a little under the weather, a combination perhaps of a dehydration-induced headache from the frisbee earlier, and a dry and close-to-sore throat initiated by eating too much pizza (the equivalent of one whole pizza) at the FOC thank-you dinner thingy on tuesday, and aggravated from talking continuously during the Bible study just now.

Cos of that i ordered something totally out of character for me, fish soup bee hoon, cos i was not feeling too well and recalled from all those chinese shows that i somehow ended up watching last time that those people who are sick always seem to have their mothers cooking fish soup for them (either that or porridge - which i eat even less than fish soup - but there was no more yesterday...). No complaints apart from too much ginger (albeit to mask the fishy smell and taste - which i hate even more) and scaly fish skin in the soup. And that the thing was so piping hot that i looked like i had practically just stepped out of a sauna (albeit with clothes on, of course) by the time i finished it.

Anyway i'd better rest now, lest i fall sick tomorrow. Although, seeing that i have a track record of falling sick only at the most inopportune (or opportune, depending on how you look at it) times [like getting chicken pox during the school holidays and getting the flu on the day i was supposed to go with some ACJC friends to pig out on $8 (on sale!) tubs of Haagen Daaz, as well as on the first day of my ORD clearance, after having been in the pink of health for most of the preceeding two years or so...], it seems like i have little to worry about...


Anonymous said...

green tables not called earth meh?
cuz earth is between heaven and hell. and hell is pink tables?

chilipino said...

Oh, but actually pink tables are at the same elevation as green tables, so, to put it rather clumsily, they all are part of a larger hell. Heaven is the floor with the food stalls and the pink tables outside the japanese food stall...

Ryan said...

yup, never noticed the irony of us VCFers hanging out in "hell"... =X

but "hell" does have a good view =p

Anonymous said...

Hi! Nice observation. I was so jetlagged and exhausted that morning (I had just flown in the night before) that when they asked me that question I nearly panicked. If they had asked me to add 1 and 1, I would've spent just as long trying to figure it out. Thankfully, I came up with the right answer, but still, it was a scary moment. I guess they wanted to try to help people relate to what I did, but still... it was nerve-wracking!

Nice blog, keep up the good work!

chilipino said...

Hi PJ, must say that i was very surprised to see your comment haha... Thanks.
Anyway, congrats on the channel swim. It was really inspiring to see you on tv.

God bless!