Saturday, September 17, 2005

breakfast makes for a good supper

No better way to end the day than with what one would eat on a tray when the sun comes to play. (ultra bad and lame, i know)

What i am getting at is that honey bunches of oats with strawberries is great to eat at any time of the day. And since i am not one for breakfast, today i decided to have it for dessert, comforted in the knowledge that it (methinks) is more healthy than some of the other stuff in my fridge... Yummy. And (at least for me) they taste better when fresh out of the freezer (yes, you read correctly, the freezer - i put the bag of cereal there to keep the ants away...)

Over the past few days i have been bumping into many people whom i haven't seen for a long time from long ago, more specifically an army person and a handful (4) of my acjc choir seniors. Quite an interesting phenomenon, methinks, especially when considering the fact that we all have been studying together on the same campus for a year already, and i haven't seen even much of these people in any week previous to this...

Tomorrow marks the commencement of work on term papers... Deadlines are looming near...

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