Sunday, September 18, 2005

j'ai besoin de se reposer

i need to rest

dunno why i am in a French speaking mood nowsaday... Not that i have much knowledge of it to speak of anyways...

But back to why i need to rest...

This morning i woke up as usual bright and early, preparing for service at ten am. When i got there, i had these strange white things flashing on my right visual periphery, but i just thought to myself that it was just a tiny fatigue thing, nothing serious... I felt fine throughout worship and all that, but when it came to the message, suddenly a migrane hit me quite hard, on the left side of my head (know nuts about the nervous system of the head, so if there's any connection between a left-side headache and seeing bright whitey things on the right visual periphery i'd be none the wiser...). Also felt nauseous for some reason, though since i don't eat breakfast [though i had a heavy and good supper at Sze Hao's parents house (which by implication is also Sze Hao's house - haha), which could have been heavier had not the main featured dish been bouillabaise - a rich french seafood soup-stew thingy - but that's alas, another story], all i could 'puke' out was lots of air...

After attempting to bear with the pain and discomfort to little success during the message (and i suspect looking like quite the hyperactive fidgety one to the people behind me), i decided to just get up and make the long and arduous two minute walk back home to rest - which signals the first time ever i've had to walk out of service for health reasons (as opposed to less noble reasons like fleeing in the midst of the three hour Good Friday service...).

I wonder how much of this sudden migraine attack was due to fatigue and a general lack of rest over the past few weeks or so... Maybe some of it was spiritual in nature, in the wake of yesterday's MEET euphoria, but i dunno... I think it was mainly due to a lack of rest - which doesn't bode well for the intensive (on paper at least, if not in practice) reading, research, revision and essay writing schedule that i've planned for the next five days (Dr. Lockhart, in all his generosity and wisdom, cancelled Friday's lecture =). Taking this need for rest in mind, i more or less refrained from doing any real work today (though admittedly it was more because i was too lazy and procrastinated as usual, rather than because i made a concious decision to refrain...).

Hopefully i'll feel fine come tomorrow, it's one crazy week ahead...

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