Thursday, September 22, 2005

what mid-sem break?

So it has come and gone, the 'five' (nus admin and their clever ideas...) day mid-sem break, and here am i not even knowing what hit me.

Seriously, was there even a break? Arguments against the existence of one:
  1. I came to school everyday (except sunday, the first day of the break)
  2. Apparently, from what i saw during these few days, so did a sizeable proportion of the nus student population.
  3. Many of the aforementioned people and i were holed up somewhere in the central library mugging (or in my case, attempting to mug).
  4. These aforementioned people then proceeded to crowd the arts canteen, as they always do, during lunchtime.
  5. Bus 10 was as packed as usual, both on the way to school and back.
  6. Slept the same number of inadequate hours (or perhaps even less) as before.
  7. Have almost just as much work to do at the end of the 'break' as i did before.

One consolation is that i have a free day tomorrow, thanks to at least one staff of nus who recognises the stupidity of the whole break arrangement.

But, still have 95% of two essays to do, as well as a mid-term test to study for, two group projects to settle and loads of readings to catch up on.

And there still are all the other commitments that i have to balance with schoolwork.

Have to remember that, as was touched upon by Dr. Ng at ft, that the right balance stems from having your arrow focused squarely upon God.

Also, have decided, rather ambivalently, to s/u intro to computing. As much as i don't want to waste them (if i am to do honours then i have to do three more breadths, of which i will definitely have to leave at least one of them as graded), i figured that with the bell curve all the computer whizzes in the class will be elbowing for a spot on that narrow band of A grades, while computer idiot me will be left gasping for air at the other end of the bell. And as much as i hate to sound materialistic, i value my cap score.

Of course, however, this does not mean that i am just going to switch off for this module. Ownership, that's one of my keywords for this sem, and totally ignoring one module cos it won't be graded? That's just not being faithful to what God has provided. At the same time, i know that by His strength, He will guide me towards an S, if i put in the effort, that is...

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