Friday, April 14, 2006

thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening

so here's the happy post-morten post that i was anticipating...

basically, after much delay, managed to finish typing by around twelvish, with enough time to edit and do the citations and print all before the 2pm lecture where i was to hand the thing up

[and when i refer to much delay, i really mean much delay: think spent more than half of the time available to me following the previous post to voluntarily do totally (with emphasis on the word totally) unrelated and distracting things, such as to see 2am while i was still at the intro to be the perfect time to look at the online bios of the new ruling party candidates and read them in detail]

and was blessed with just the right amount of nap time in between so as to be relatively lucid and not write nonsense, while still having adequate time to type

so it was handed in, and thus a huge weight has been lifted off me, though that did not signal the end to my dazed and confused state, but ah well, it's still a big load off, so can't complain =)

ever since catching American Idol (which i chose to watch over doing my essay btw), Bohemian Rhapsody has been stuck in my head, even more so than Bucky's "Oh Boy" and "Gray Sky Morning". To call it bizarre would be to not do it justice i tell you (where else would you get references to Galileo, Beelzebub and Scaramouche doing the fandango within the same sector of a song?)... Well, it could have gotten tackier, so not complaining that it's Bo Rhap and not "I Want to Break Free" or "We are the Champions"...

The final cg was great for me, and in reflection there were just too many things to be thankful for over the past acad year, even in merely the cg context. Yup had great fellowship and great encouragement too =) Thursday cg has really been, by God's grace, something really special...

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services were refreshing and extremely reflective for me... Even though i was admittedly still rather distracted (and can't pinpoint why either), the songs sung, in particular really spoke to me, although they're more or less the same songs every year (when i surveyed the bulletins from three churches that i had access to - KKMC, St.Peter's and St. Hilda's, i noticed that "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" was sung at all three services - perhaps this was why there ended up being at least three different tunes to the same lyrics available - so there would be some variety - and also other popular songs of the season like "Were You There" or "Above All" too) honestly i couldn't help but tear (as in liu2 yan3 lei4, not shi1 po4) up - dunno if it's just an emotional high, but the words did pierce me to some extent - a good reminder for me even in this busy time and distorted state that i find myself slipping in and out of...

The Lord really showed me how He answers prayers through a sequence of events that began with me sharing with Adrian, Dan and Joce how i didn't know how to go about inviting them, and didn't even feel very convicted to do so , and ended up with, as the Lord moved, me accompanying them to Zhihui's church (KKMC) this morning for service =) A great encouragement it was...

Zhihui brought us for bak kut teh today for lunch after service - have never eaten so much pig for a long time (in fact now i can still feel all that fat swimming within me, pushing against my arterial linings). Never really cared for it before, but this one at rangoon road was surprisingly good =) So good that i even ended up eating quite a bit of pig intestines which upon biting into each piece oozed out what i perceived to be lots of fat, not to mention fatty pig trotters too... Not surprisingly, i have a deep motivation to go running now...

Somehow ended up in Ikea too, where i bought cool Swedish raspberry and vanilla cream cookies and chocs - to be shared with my fellow muggers over the course of the next week and beyond in school (but if you want these things you'll probably have to make your way up to the sixth floor, call me a creature of habit, but after spending a day in SMC, realised that i do prefer the atmosphere and cooler temperature of upstairs, even though it can get noisy - but hey, i have earplugs =)


purplecross said...

ah yes. "when i survey the wondrous cross" and "above all" were sung at my church too, on top of "how great is our God";)

ugh.smc is stuffy. rite!! actually i really like reference, although debs has migrated over to smc;(

Anonymous said...

i always thought that when i bit into pig intestines and oozy stuff came out, that it wasn't fat but it was food in the middle of being digested...

chilipino said...

Hi puddle of, but who are you?

But i shall leave it at this, yup no obsessing over mystery people unlike what some others do =p

Anyway, yup actually was thinking of intestinal contents but was trying to subconsciously euphemise it i guess...


Anonymous said...

yes. matt. i'm more convinced than ever that we need to talk. -_-

kLeM said...

to purplecross: reference is so much better than smc! smc is like so stuffy, reference is just about right. quiet too!

hmm...i wonder what does maicie and matt has to "talk about"

*cues* now everybody break into crazy maniac laughter...tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

yah i like 6th floor too. i like the fact that i can make noise whenever i like. haha. smc makes me too conscious of speaking.