Sunday, April 23, 2006

mid-exam musings

so anyway the first paper has come and gone, and for my least favourite module too (generally history majors don't like soci modules and i am no exception) - three essays: first one fairly good, second one relatively ok, and third one smoked like crazy, so overall it was relatively ok - can pass one lah =p...

now awaits the unholy trinity of papers within a 28-hour period: Vietnam on wed morning, struggling for modern China on thurs morning and the el module that afternoon... i am definitely behind in revision now, but i suppose the good news is that i haven't gotten myself distracted too much (this post being a rare slip) so hopefully can maximise the time available to get stuff done...

thankfully studying in school has been going pretty ok, i definitely have been the most productive as i have ever been this sem - pity it came soooo late in the sem but better than it never happening i suppose. One thing i am clear on is that any delusions of academic grandeur that i may have harboured even till fairly recently are more or less out of the window - i mean i can hope for As and all that but really, it's really not my effort which will bring me anywhere. Telling myself to just do the best that can be done as i am strengthened by God and leave the exams and the results in His hands...

and let me just make this official so that you people reading this can keep me accountable - aim to start qt journalling on the first of May (cos from what i understand the message during service the previous day will be on doing just that). Actually i am not starting yet because i want to do it wholeheartedly and consistently (and boy am i a stickler for getting everything done just right - uniform format and all that other superficial stuff), and i really cannot foresee that happening while the exams are still on [and also cos May 1 is such a nice date to start and remember (haha macam like setting wedding date like that =p)].

Well while we are in the mood for poetry, and while nothing original can come to my head, here's a little exam period poem that i
adapted from one of the BCE songs last year. See if you can spot the teeny amendment that i've made since last last year's version hehe...

Spinning (exam remix)

[to the tune of Spinning (a.k.a. the little mermaid song)]

Surely there must be something more,
Than exams that last hours half of four.
Surely there must be something greater,
Surely they can't go on forever...

We don't look up at the clouds anymore,
From our tons of notes, multi-ply.
We simply hide in the library, one up from level four.
To mug from morn, till black is the sky...

Oh, now you cannot run away,
The paper before you screaming "Write essay!
How could you have forgotten me, all for play?
Content to see your grades fade slowly into grey?"

happy mugging folks =)


Anonymous said...

i know what's the amendment! But if i guess correctly, will i get a prize?

ArkAngel said...

No Meisi. You just get the satisfaction of knowing where the amendment was amended from the original.