Sunday, April 09, 2006

it's been five years...

Still haven't decided on a question yet for my last essay, due thursday. Didn't help that though i was all geared up to piah (sp?) in school today, all enthusiasm soon drained from me and all that i was able to do was to narrow my possible topic down to something during the industrial revolution (which still is agonizingly broad)

On the upside, shoe bag got filled with another stack of books, which means that at least have something to work with...

Gosh i really need to start on revision...

Dinner tonight with random people from 2AD1 united by Sze-li coming back for a short while was at Settler's Cafe at Holland V (regrettably, i never voiced out that my house is but 5 minutes' walk away from their katong branch) Had a great time with everyone, some of whom i haven't seen in years since A levels/a chance bumping into each other in town, nus, fun-o-rama or the funeral of a mutual acquaintance... I must admit, judging from the class dynamic by the end of year 2 (which seems to be eons ago) i would never have thought that we'd be having such a great time playing taboo (as we did last time in gp class) and cranium, transcending cliques and comfort zones... I suppose that in this case absence indeed makes the heart grow fonder...

And you think that i'm super kentang now? Just now during cranium i gave an answer to a question and asked if i was correct. Only that instead of asking "is that the right answer?" i asked "tio bo?", only to be faced with looks of disbelief from Mr Koh and some classmates who were so surprised that i said something in hokkien (which of course i picked up bits and pieces of in army - apart from "tio bo" and some numbers most of my command of hokkien, in keeping with typical army culture, translates into stuff that cannot make it uncensored into this family-friendly blog - which is somewhat ironic i suppose since much of this talk refers to members of the family, such as father, mother etc...) So apparently this means that the matt you know now has in fact undergone a certain degree of sinification since pre-army days...

Shall post pics here once people email them to me (it's times like these when i want to get a digicam - hmm definitely by the time i get to the states i'll need to have one...)

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