Ne vend-on pas une paire de moineaux pour un sou? Et pourtant, pas un seul d'entre eux ne tombe à terre sans le consentement de votre Père. ... N'ayez donc aucune crainte; car vous, vous avez plus de valeur que toute une volée de moineaux. (Matt 10:29,31)
Friday, September 30, 2005
*cough wheeze sputter*
What am i talking about?
Smoke. Cigarette smoke (a.k.a. poison/lung blackener/prolonged suicide stuff), to be exact. Specifically (though it's annoying wherever it is) in nus guys' toilets.
Ok, so i know that, contrary to the signs that would so like you to believe otherwise, nus is NOT a "smoke-free campus". Fair enough, i suppose if i was a smoker i'd hardly want to leave the confines of the school just to get a puff. But really, do you have to use the guys' toilet? Can't you find a more open area, where at least the non-smoking population of campus would be able to have a fighting chance of evading your death mist? What's wrong with the walkway beside LT11, or the dungeon (right next to one of the "smoke-free campus" signs), or the sneaky staircase between the forum and the library?
It's bad enough that i have to hold my nose everytime i enter one in order to avoid getting a whiff of you-know-what. Now i have to deal with smoke odour too? Sorry hor, my nose cannot tahan...
[I sometimes wish that there were smoke detectors like those in airplane lavatories installed in the nus toilets, maybe a little smoke-activated sprinkler too, perhaps.. Or lagi best, a hidden camera that is smoke-activated, filming the culprit holed up inside the cubible so he's caught in the act, and also smoke-activated door locks too that will detain him inside till the campus security comes (you get the picture)]
Actually i think the best thing that they could do would be to introduce smoking rooms like the ones they have in airports. I mean, you have to cut smokers some slack lah, very easy to quit just like that meh? Then at least i won't have anything to complain about...
Now, if these rooms were introduced, and people still smoke in the toilets, then it's time to employ my suggested measures... =)
Thursday, September 29, 2005
opening the steam valve just a bit
cos even though i allocated much more time for these two essays than i ever did before, i still ended up rushing in the end, and i can honestly say that the quality could have been much better, especially since my knack for lor sor-ness can't fit in well with the succinctness demanded by the two essays (i exceeded the limit for both essays - but its mainly extra fluff). Of course, printed already, can't change it now...
cos i neglected several other stuff that i was supposed to do while i was working on the essays, which i now have to pick up the slack of.
cos the el quiz which i know i will do badly for is out in approximately twelve hours time.
cos ippt is in around a month's time and i feel as unfit as, erm... well, an unfit fiddle... haven't had time do exercise at all. I need to run... If i were to fail the ippt and kena rt i think i'd just burst into tears right there and then...
But you know what? Our God is bigger than all this crappy stuff. Amen!
Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for i will yet praise him,
my Saviour and my God.
- Psalm 42:5
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
thanks to Debs...
Anyway today i was ordering lunch, and was about to pay, when the auntie pushed the plate out too far, and instead of moving my leg away from the perilous plate badly-my in-need-of-reprogramming reflexes saw me raising my knee instead, i suppose to stop the plate from falling.
Well, needless to say i failed, smothering my right pants leg with cai fan.
At least my pants were brown, just like the curry gravy that took quite a liking to the fabric...
Monday, September 26, 2005
half day school
But a fairly productive day it was, so am not complaining.
Managed to leave the house slightly earlier than usual today, so i managed to catch the bus 10 that normally goes whizzing under the overhead bridge just as i am crossing it to get to the bus stop.
Was subjected to the usual inane banter on channelnewsasia's primetime morning courtesy of Steven Chia and Chloe Cho. Can't believe i am able to sit through this drivel every weekday morning. Who's bright idea is it to have banter in morning programmes? I am far too moody from an early morning to want to listen to people chattering pointlessly about mundane interests. And it appears that their programme editors too share my annoyance. Why else would they be so amateurish as to air plenty of footage of a tennis game as the presenters were reading from the teleprompter, only to then abruptly cut off the coverage before the match point is played?
Anyways, was so blur while on the bus while trying to do some last minute readings for my midterm at 10am that didn't realise that Mark Szto was on the bus too, until we got off the bus at school... But methinks neither did he... Early morning 8am is hardly the best time to meet people.
The test itself went on quite fine, by God's grace. Didn't ahve much time to prepare cos was more concerned for my two essays due this week. Anyways, haven't wrote so much in such a short time in months. The calluses on my right hand have never been so pronounced. Looks as if i contracted some kind of skin disease...
Am thankful for my intro to computing project group. They really are quite a nice bunch. Even though i s/u-ed the module, definitely am inspired to put in effort for the project. It's groups like these that definitely lessen my apprehension towards group projects...
I surprised myself by being able to more or less cover all the details for my first essay, due on wednesday morning. Only by God's grace, of course. At first i was at the library till i realised that the cold blasts from the aircon on the sixth floor (which i otherwise revel in) were chilling my hands, such that they became too numb to type anything. So i moved to the arts canteen where thankfully conditions were better and i managed to do quite a bit today.
Stayed with Mark in the canteen till around 8:30, but then i couldn't tahan this girl who was seated some seats away from us practicing her French. Now, i am hardly an authority on the French language. In fact, wo3 de4 hua2 yu3 bi2 wo3 de4 fa3 yu3 hao3 hen3 duo1 (though it still stinks). But i simply cannot tahan bad french pronunciation. Sacre bleu! It simply throws me off. Well, after ten minutes, i had heard enough, i really couldn't concentrate anymore and realised it already was half a day since i arrived at school so homeward bound went i. Week seven is no time for one to be spending half a complete day at school.
Anyways, now have to try and transfer today's essay success back to the home environment...
Two people told me today that i looked much happier and less stone and tired than on friday. Possible reasons:
- Fell asleep on sunday afternoon and got an extra four or so hours of sleep, at the expense of work...
- General happiness over the weekend in spite of busyness.
- Specific happiness with regards to certain events.. Tell more another time...
- Prozac. (kidding, kidding)
Saturday, September 24, 2005
3... 2... 1... BOOM!!!
Also very thankful for His prompting for me to go for cell instead of just heading back home for some ineffective and meaningless mugging. This not in the least because of one way that the Lord has answered my prayers regarding MEET and church in a way immesurably more than i could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Shall elaborate more another time, but just to say now that i am very humbled at this gracious act on the part of the cell-u-lights. The Lord indeed is our Jehovah Jireh.
Went to play sparkles at the field behind church (and my house too) after that, and two rockets, Cell-u-lights One and Two were born, using bundles of sparkles and some electrical tape. However, both met their demise rather swiftly, Cell-u-lights One rather anticlimactically, with it falling flat on its side instead of launching upwards, and Cell-u-lights Two rather over-climactically, with it going off with a very loud BOOM!!! (so much so that it could be heard thirty or so metres away inside an air-conditioned room) and, instead of exploding in a large flash high above our heads, making an abrupt ninety-degree turn right in our direction and darting at what seemed to be the speed of light for a good six or seven metres towards us, landing in a bright white flash right in front of our feet, to the screams of many and the fleeing of all... You must see the video, it's super farny, could win the top prize in America's Funniest Home Videos =P... Glad that at least it didn't make it's way to my house's rooftop, or lagi better, the church's, talk about a church on fire...
Anyway, just to say that i love my dear cell-u-lights. Shine on, you spiritual fatties...
Thursday, September 22, 2005
what mid-sem break?
Seriously, was there even a break? Arguments against the existence of one:
- I came to school everyday (except sunday, the first day of the break)
- Apparently, from what i saw during these few days, so did a sizeable proportion of the nus student population.
- Many of the aforementioned people and i were holed up somewhere in the central library mugging (or in my case, attempting to mug).
- These aforementioned people then proceeded to crowd the arts canteen, as they always do, during lunchtime.
- Bus 10 was as packed as usual, both on the way to school and back.
- Slept the same number of inadequate hours (or perhaps even less) as before.
- Have almost just as much work to do at the end of the 'break' as i did before.
One consolation is that i have a free day tomorrow, thanks to at least one staff of nus who recognises the stupidity of the whole break arrangement.
But, still have 95% of two essays to do, as well as a mid-term test to study for, two group projects to settle and loads of readings to catch up on.
And there still are all the other commitments that i have to balance with schoolwork.
Have to remember that, as was touched upon by Dr. Ng at ft, that the right balance stems from having your arrow focused squarely upon God.
Also, have decided, rather ambivalently, to s/u intro to computing. As much as i don't want to waste them (if i am to do honours then i have to do three more breadths, of which i will definitely have to leave at least one of them as graded), i figured that with the bell curve all the computer whizzes in the class will be elbowing for a spot on that narrow band of A grades, while computer idiot me will be left gasping for air at the other end of the bell. And as much as i hate to sound materialistic, i value my cap score.
Of course, however, this does not mean that i am just going to switch off for this module. Ownership, that's one of my keywords for this sem, and totally ignoring one module cos it won't be graded? That's just not being faithful to what God has provided. At the same time, i know that by His strength, He will guide me towards an S, if i put in the effort, that is...
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Grand Canyon helicopter pics (1)
The heliport - check out the clouds...
On the copter past pine forests on the way to the canyon itself
One species of pine there is the Ponderosa,
and all i could think of after i heard that was juicy steaks... The canyon looms in the horizon...
Almost there...
Overhead pics of the canyon itself await next time...
Til then, it's Sukhothai essay time...
Sunday, September 18, 2005
j'ai besoin de se reposer
dunno why i am in a French speaking mood nowsaday... Not that i have much knowledge of it to speak of anyways...
But back to why i need to rest...
This morning i woke up as usual bright and early, preparing for service at ten am. When i got there, i had these strange white things flashing on my right visual periphery, but i just thought to myself that it was just a tiny fatigue thing, nothing serious... I felt fine throughout worship and all that, but when it came to the message, suddenly a migrane hit me quite hard, on the left side of my head (know nuts about the nervous system of the head, so if there's any connection between a left-side headache and seeing bright whitey things on the right visual periphery i'd be none the wiser...). Also felt nauseous for some reason, though since i don't eat breakfast [though i had a heavy and good supper at Sze Hao's parents house (which by implication is also Sze Hao's house - haha), which could have been heavier had not the main featured dish been bouillabaise - a rich french seafood soup-stew thingy - but that's alas, another story], all i could 'puke' out was lots of air...
After attempting to bear with the pain and discomfort to little success during the message (and i suspect looking like quite the hyperactive fidgety one to the people behind me), i decided to just get up and make the long and arduous two minute walk back home to rest - which signals the first time ever i've had to walk out of service for health reasons (as opposed to less noble reasons like fleeing in the midst of the three hour Good Friday service...).
I wonder how much of this sudden migraine attack was due to fatigue and a general lack of rest over the past few weeks or so... Maybe some of it was spiritual in nature, in the wake of yesterday's MEET euphoria, but i dunno... I think it was mainly due to a lack of rest - which doesn't bode well for the intensive (on paper at least, if not in practice) reading, research, revision and essay writing schedule that i've planned for the next five days (Dr. Lockhart, in all his generosity and wisdom, cancelled Friday's lecture =). Taking this need for rest in mind, i more or less refrained from doing any real work today (though admittedly it was more because i was too lazy and procrastinated as usual, rather than because i made a concious decision to refrain...).
Hopefully i'll feel fine come tomorrow, it's one crazy week ahead...
Saturday, September 17, 2005
J'irai en Thaïlande
Originally, i must say that i had my heart set on going to the Philippines, mainly cos i have had next to no exposure to that half of my heritage. Furthermore, being on the Philippine team would give me the perfect excuse to finally learn some substantial Tagalog (Currently the words that i know can be counted on my fingers and toes).
But i thank God for helping me to put the whole thing in His hands, such that even though i found out i was in the Thailand team instead, there was no feelings of regret or any of that nonsense...
Anyway, i really do think that this is the Lord's plan, and that in His time i'll get a clearer picture as to why Thailand...
That being said, Thailand was my second choice, mainly because when i was there for a month for army training two years ago i saw so much spiritual bondage, which certainly left a deep impression on my heart. Furthermore, it just so happens that i'm doing a Thai history module this sem, together with another Southeast Asian History module that includes lots of Thai stuff, so think God's timing is just so great =)
Then there's the issue of language (wonder if i am destined to never learn my true mother tongue - no close, let alone distant relative of mine speaks mandarin to any definable standard, so how it can end up as my mother tongue is just beyond me...) Currently all the Thai i know falls into several broad categories. An (almost) exhaustive list is as follows [excuse the spelling]:
tom yum goong/kai/pla
tom kha kai (chicken and coconut soup)
phad thai (noodles)
naam (water)
naam pla (fish sauce - literally fish water)
moo (pork)
neua (beef)
a-roy (delicious)
Sawadee krup/kaa
Khop khun krup/kaa
Mai phen rai (never mind - i learnt that from Chang & Eng)
khap khe (dark/no light)
khap wan (bright/got light)
-learnt these two phrases to communicate with my Royal Thai Army liason on when to turn a flashlight on and off...
All the kings: Ramkhamhaeng/U Thong/ Narai/ Taksin/ Mongkut/ Chulalongkorn/Vajiravudh/ Prajadhipok etc...
All the various places/terms: Sukhothai/ Lan Na/ Ayudhya/ Thonburi/ Rai/ Phrai/ Nai/ Muang/ Sakdina
mae naam (river)
naam hong (toilet)
Come to think of it, that means i technically know more Thai than i do Tagalog...
But anyway, all the five other FOC comm people are in other teams... Oh well, on the other hand, all the four of our thursday cg people who are in MEET ended up in the Thailand team: there's Debs, Hwee Shan, Pamela and myself... How coincidental, but at the same time the Lord must have His plans too... So exciting...
breakfast makes for a good supper
What i am getting at is that honey bunches of oats with strawberries is great to eat at any time of the day. And since i am not one for breakfast, today i decided to have it for dessert, comforted in the knowledge that it (methinks) is more healthy than some of the other stuff in my fridge... Yummy. And (at least for me) they taste better when fresh out of the freezer (yes, you read correctly, the freezer - i put the bag of cereal there to keep the ants away...)
Over the past few days i have been bumping into many people whom i haven't seen for a long time from long ago, more specifically an army person and a handful (4) of my acjc choir seniors. Quite an interesting phenomenon, methinks, especially when considering the fact that we all have been studying together on the same campus for a year already, and i haven't seen even much of these people in any week previous to this...
Tomorrow marks the commencement of work on term papers... Deadlines are looming near...
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
my stoned self
At the bus stop today, as i was on the way to school, i decided to take 32 and then 30 to school by virtue of the fact that it came before 10, and, as usual, since i had my $52 bus pass, blahblah you get the picture... (even as i type this i am making so many typos...)
I was stoning once i got on bus 32, and nearly missed my stop, where i'd then wait for 30. Good thing i realised in time and alighted. Told myself to better be aware of when to get off later once 30 reached near school.
But alas, once i got on 30, i started stoning again, and promptly missed my stop, as somehow, i thought that i was on bus 10, and that it would turn right at pasta fresca towards kent ridge terminal, instead, i alighted at some mystery part of Pasir Panjang Road that i had never seen before despite it being just the next stop down the road from where i usually alight when i take 30 (as i always say, any part of the west beyond nus and acjc is uncharted territory for me...).
So had to trudge all the way, in my stony state, from this new mystery bus stop up to nus, and managed to take the shuttle bus to the forum stop.
I alighted the bus, and was making my way towards the forum, then i realised that i was supposed to go to engin bridge for prayer instead...
(There were more stupid things that i did today, but of course i am still stoning away, so i more or less forgot what they were...)
My first euphemistically-labelled quiz (come on, a test's a test lah) is tomorrow, for my el module, then will have to get started on my term papers, before i repeat last year's mad rush and subsequent sub-par grades...
And in the midst of all this, the Lord is reminding me to value the relationship that i have with Him, and to earnestly seek to enrich it, rather than let it stagnate, especially in the midst of all the commitments that i have this year. Such a timely reminder =) Thank You God.
je suis fatigué
have been getting lots of remarks over the past two days from people that i look very tired/stone/sleepy/blur etc you get the picture...
haven't been getting enough sleep over the past week or so (actually, more accurately since school started), which accounts for my tiredness. Not more than six hours a day, that's for sure...
Meisi's considerate advice is for me to sleep at ten or eleven at night, so that i can get more sleep. Problem is that have too many things to do to afford sleeping at that hour, which i must say i haven't done on a regular basis since primary school methinks. Would love to sleep at that time, but i'd have to clear my readings/essays/assessments etc first, and that's not going to happen anytime soon.
anyways, today, will try to sleep earlier, that is to say before one am...
on the way home after ft today, i chanced upon a total of three flying cockroaches at two different places, when i have hardly seen even one for at least the past year or so which i thought is rather interesting... it better not be a prelude to a plague though...
Sunday, September 11, 2005
one sport that i'm not totally hopeless at...
The grouping system (the youths were divided into groups of four each) was more or less random in nature, but somehow, i ended up in a group with Felix and Eric, who both came equipped with their own bowling bag with a personal ball each, shoes, and that robocop metal glove thingy you put on your bowling wrist, i presume to give some added support to the wrist when bowling... (when people have their own bowling equipment - you can be rest assured that they're good...)
So, to cut a long story short, i ended up in the winning team... That has never happened in recent memory to any team that i have been a member of, in any sport whatsoever... Haha...
Of course, i was more or less pulled along for the ride by my fellow team members, but to my (limited) credit, i did do far better than the last time when i went bowling with church people (i bowled a game of just 18 pinfalls then), and even got my second-ever three-digit score [the first being a fluke years ago when i still was in sec three or so (which was like, seven years ago - boy am i old)] In the three games we played, i got a total two strikes and three spares, as well as a negligible number of longkang shots, unless i was aiming for a lone no.7 or 10 pin, which of course i could never hit... In fact, i could have gotten an even higher score had i used the correct ball in the ninth frame when i had spared the previous round, and had a score of ninety-something, but the unfamiliar ball slipped off my fingers prematurely, and headed promptly for the longkang... Lost momentum, and barely survived the remainder of that frame and the final one as well. So no personal best...
Bear in mind, i m not being hao lian in any way, just that it is so rare when i can actually say something positive about me in relation to a sport of any kind, even if it's of the comfy, air-conditioned variety, hence my excitement...
So what do i have to show for my team's triumph? GV vouchers... haha, fourth movie of the year, here i come...
Saturday, September 10, 2005
my productive saturday
Must admit, i was preparing the Bs (Bible study) for cg way too late, like hurriedly the night before trying to piah (sp?) as much as possible before my tired eyes got the better of me, and rushing before, in between and after lessons on thursday itself to get it done. Not very responsible i admit, and to any cgms reading this, apologies... Still getting used to the whole thing i guess. Thank God for His continued guidance and strength that more than overcomes my many inadequacies...
Cg itself has been quite good for the past few weeks. I'll say again that i am really encouraged to see the freshies and their mere presence, not to mention participation, at cg. Makes things just that little bit less daunting for me. The seniors too have been great, and are a great source of encouragement and support too. Hebrews 10:24-25 (ok must admit, this verse is my blanket verse for anything to do with fellowship) comes to mind...
Something tells me that we'll be rather sick of fong seng really soon... I think i am, at least... We gotta find new places to eat...
My intention was to do some work on friday after my only class, but that didn't materialise, won't go into details, but well, suffice to say it was a long day, punctuated by the long-awaited MEET interview, which was loads less scary (and far longer - i got home at elevenish) than i thought it would be. The Lord certainly brought me through it... Thank God for putting my mind at ease, and that i am able to just put this entire thing into His hands. As He wills, not me...
Which brings us to today, which somehow happened to be my most productive saturday methinks since school started. Of course that's not saying anything at all, since i have barely been doing any work over the past few saturdays anyway.
Met for my first-ever easties' breakfast at the hakka yong tau fu stall by the longkang this morning with Mark, Min Zhi and Jocelyn... Although, as many know, i am not a breakfast person, but today felt like eating, so went ahead and ordered from the stall together with Mark. Of course, we both have negligible chinese language skills, so when we passed the bowl with our selected food items to the stall auntie and she asked something to the effect of "yah yah yah" (that's how i heard it, at least) in a shrill tone and at far too fast a speed, i was like "ha?", and Mark didn't even say anything (cos of the two of us, i have the far superior command of the language, go figure...). She later got rather annoyed when i then asked her what types of noodles were available (in English, of course) and snapped back rather curtly that only got one kind... It was then that i figured that the "yah yah yah" was actually "yao(4) ji(2) wan(3)?" So then we embarassingly went to sit down... [later when she brought the food there was more miscommunication when it came to the price, but i've regaled you with enough of my (lack of) chinese stories as it is...]
Oh well, the food was not bad. I liked the bittergourd and you char kway especially... Worth my breaking my no breakfast rule, at least...
After breakfast, decided to join the two other Ms (Mark and Min Zhi back at MZ's house to study, cos i figured that if i am at home, no work will be done (case in point: look what i am doing now...) This is where much of my day's satisfaction stems from. Since i had cycled to breakfast, i then had to cycle back home to get my notes, then cycle back more or less the same route to MZ's house, and finally cycle back home again. And at MZ's house, i'd get some work done, which means basically that today managed to both exercise and do schoolwork, a rare occurence, i must say...
Happy for the exercise... This week alone two people said that i looked like i slimmed down (which is good, btw). But i think it's just cos i just got a hair cut, since my weight hasn't changed at all...
Anyway, it's not as if i got a whole load of work done today, actually only completed one reading and did one quarter of a journal entry while i was there. But that's already far better than what i've been able to do in all past saturdays, so good news nevertheless...
So in short, i say more such easties gatherings... Even for stuff like breakfast and studying, if i can find some place which replicates the condusive study environment of central library level 6, where we easties can meet together, and where i can get work done, and that is way nearer than school, then i'm there... (But that would mean that i wouldn't get my $ worth on a bus pass though...)
Yay got a running kaki! hopefully my calibre (or rather, lack of) matches his... and that i don't get pang seh-ed... (sp?)
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
my mentos moment
Then a brilliant idea came into my mind. Since i have my laptop, why not just watch the live webcast in the comfort of the library?
No need for the hassle of travelling there, embarassingly walking in late, then having to make my way back again later...
*congratulates self*
Really beginning to dig this webcast thingy...
might as well make it public
I also dun intend to ever get msn.
For reasons why, come and look for me.
In the midst of all the urgings (you know who you are), i shall overcome.
Today was supposed to have a project meeting.
It got canned in favour of an msn meeting.
Managed to worm my way out of it. (nice group, i have)
Instead i am to submit all my contributions over email.
Transcripts will also be emailed back to me.
Problem solved.
*beams widely*
Me 1, msn 0 =)
Monday, September 05, 2005
dinner party
Thank God that the heavy rain from earlier in the day stopped come evening time, and my grandmother's filipino pork skewers (which Jan Ho is always raving about everytime i see him) that needed barbecuing outside the house could be barbecued properly (not by yours truly, of course, who would probably spark a salmonella or e. coli outbreak if left to do the grilling).
One problem is that my current house and the compound is rather a bit smaller than the old one at St. Paul's Church, and therefore it's rather a squeeze to fit in seventy or so people in, unlike last time, when i think a hundred or so could have easily fit in, with room to spare.
Anyway, i always look forward to the sheer amount of food that my mother and others prepare at these thingys. This year there was, among others, beef rendang, baked chicken drumsticks, swedish meatballs (with canned cranberry sauce, in lieu of the vastly more expensive lingonberry sauce at Ikea), a pumpkin and prawn dish (that, needless to say, i avoided like the plague), a tanghoon dish with more prawns (ditto), filipino pasta salad, and, of course, ayam buah keluak *slurps* And i haven't even started on the desserts yet...
I realise that whenever these things come around, however, i am almost never hungry, even with all the mouthwatering food around. Even today, i hardly ate, and that was like at ten thirty or so, after everyone had left, and my stomach didn't complain a bit (and for those who have heard my stomach growling before, well let's just say that there are animals in heat that would get aroused). Maybe it's a host-cannot-eat-while-people-are-still-around syndrome.
Well, i did take at least one thing out of the party, which is how to make coffee. I have admittedly never ever made coffee before in my life, so when a guest yesterday asked me for a cuppa i was like "ummm". So i had to go to my mother and ask her where's the coffee, how much coffee and sugar to put and stuff like that... Quite a learning experience, i must say. So when the next person asked i happily knew what to do. Talk about learning of lifeskills...
Bingo certainly learned something too, which is how to endear himself with the guests to cajole them into giving him their food. He was greedily making his rounds around all the tables, and emerged out of the whole night one bloated old dog. He even was so engrossed in gobbling up his mountain of food that he nearly got backed over by the car cos he didn't notice it... Never have i seen an eighty-four-year-old eat so much...
Saturday, September 03, 2005
A tiny toilet tale
Friday, September 02, 2005
bus number ten strikes again...
So anyway, took number 10 home after arts comm meeting hoping to get back as soon as possible so that i could quickly eat dinner and go to sleep (yeah right).
I could have kicked myself for not deciding to take bus 30 instead, which, despite the longer walk for me, would also allow me to conveniently bypass the whole Shenton Way stretch, as due to some incredibly long traffic jam in the area, reminiscent of those jams you'd get in Manila (and trust me, those are really bad...), the ride home took around one-and-a-half hours, with me at the complete mercy of tv mobile and the glorified fluff that they somehow are so proud to broadcast the whole time.
So by the time the bus reached my stop it was already close to nine, and a by now completely zoned-out me stumbled off the bus, nearly leaving my wallet behind if not for a kind lady sitting across the aisle from me noticing it as i stood up and telling me about it. Very grateful am i, for if i had left it behind, i think i wouldn't have the energy or the presence of mind to go about retrieving it.
hope i'm not falling sick
Why? Cos i am sick of having to share God's time with the eternally annoying and distracting tv mobile on the stuffy bus 10 every morning. If i am not turned off by the silly questions that the hosts of 'primetime morning' like to ask (the cake goes to Suzanne Jung, who of all things to ask PJ Thum , the channel swimmer, as the opening question, asked, "so 35km, how many swimming pool lengths is that?" *slaps forehead* the next thirty seconds thus featured our heroic first-ever channel swimmer reduced to doing math in his head on live television, in order to answer that pointless question...), then i get distracted by stuff that occasionally flashes on the screen (particularly tennis results, now that the US Open is underway...).
Finally, by God's grace, i was able to complete the long-delayed MEET form and hand it up today. My only regret is not having taken a better photo for the form, for i do look like a doofus in the one that i submited with the form... Why am i never satisfied with my photos?
Before frisbee today, decided to take advantage of the good weather and the fact that i was going to get all dirty and smelly later anyway to go for another 2.4km run. And for the second time in a row, i made the momentous achievement of bettering my previous time by an amazing one second to 11'39"24. I wonder if i had subconciously cheated that time in army when i somehow completed the distance in 10min 25 sec, cos at the rate i am going i can't see how that time could have ever been possible...
Went for the frisbee thingy for a while, never saw so many frisbees in my life. There was, at one point in time, around 15 or so of us, and it seemed that everyone had at least one frisbee. It looked like some goofy UFO convention, with all those brightly-coloured discs flying around.
Had to leave early for cg, the first Bible Study... Went quite well, by God's grace, and we were able to find a venue after some initial difficulty. Even when we were found out by the uncle as we were about to end, he was thankfully quite a nice and understanding man, and didn't give us any trouble...
By the time we reached fong seng, however, i was feeling a little under the weather, a combination perhaps of a dehydration-induced headache from the frisbee earlier, and a dry and close-to-sore throat initiated by eating too much pizza (the equivalent of one whole pizza) at the FOC thank-you dinner thingy on tuesday, and aggravated from talking continuously during the Bible study just now.
Cos of that i ordered something totally out of character for me, fish soup bee hoon, cos i was not feeling too well and recalled from all those chinese shows that i somehow ended up watching last time that those people who are sick always seem to have their mothers cooking fish soup for them (either that or porridge - which i eat even less than fish soup - but there was no more yesterday...). No complaints apart from too much ginger (albeit to mask the fishy smell and taste - which i hate even more) and scaly fish skin in the soup. And that the thing was so piping hot that i looked like i had practically just stepped out of a sauna (albeit with clothes on, of course) by the time i finished it.
Anyway i'd better rest now, lest i fall sick tomorrow. Although, seeing that i have a track record of falling sick only at the most inopportune (or opportune, depending on how you look at it) times [like getting chicken pox during the school holidays and getting the flu on the day i was supposed to go with some ACJC friends to pig out on $8 (on sale!) tubs of Haagen Daaz, as well as on the first day of my ORD clearance, after having been in the pink of health for most of the preceeding two years or so...], it seems like i have little to worry about...