Thursday, August 11, 2005

something worth watching...

I have, in my lifetime, only watched two online videos with much interest.

The first one was the now infamous "Will you take my hand?" webcast (i still remember where it came from - MA1506, Lect 21, 57 min).

And the link to the second one can be found, courtesy of Mr Brown, at this site:

(if i made the link the normal size then my sidebar would drop to the bottom of the page, which happens to look really improper, at least from my point of view...)

According to the comments, the "omigosh that is so farny" moment happened from the 1hr 10min 15 sec mark onwards...

Definitely the only thing that piqued my interest enough to even bother watching even a little bit of this year's ndp... (Of course, i mean no disrespect here, and you gotta laugh at yourself from time to time, rite?)

For those who haven't seen it, watch it, it's a real hoot =)

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