Monday, July 18, 2005

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

I have decided to follow Jesus (3X)
No turning back, no turning back.

The world behind me, the cross before me (3X)
No turning back, no turning back.

Though none go with me, still I will follow (3X)
No turning back, no turning back.

Yet again, the Lord has ministered to my heart through the lyrics of a song. This morning during Crossover service, and in preparation of a time of ministry, the guest speaker, Pastor Christopher Long, asked the team to play this song. I hadn't heard this song for a long time, but as i reflected upon the words of the song, i realised what a tall call actually is required of us as Christians, if we are to mean the words to this song, simple as they may be, deep from the heart. What especially struck me was the recurring phrase "no turning back". I find that it is very often the case when that's exactly what we do (myself very included) in the midst of our Christian walk, we turn back, which can be done in myriad ways. Sometimes the temptations that drive us further from God are really hard to bear. Even though the Lord will give us grace to stand up under the temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13), that does not free us from the free will that He has given us to choose which path we want to take...

Which brings me back to the lyrics of this song. I feel that to truly sing it with heartfelt conviction is indeed difficult, for although we may sing that we have decided to follow Jesus, so often we do so half-heartedly. Though we may declare that the world is behind us, so often we still fall victim to the temptations of the world. Though we sing that even if we were to walk the road alone (save for the eternal presence of the Lord with us, of course), that we still will follow Him, so often do we succumb to peer pressure, at His expense. My prayer is that in singing this song, that i will truly mean it from deep within.

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