Wednesday, July 13, 2005

the biannual headache approaches...

This of course being the dreaded (at least for me) CORS (which i submit to you, stands for "confusing and overtly riduculous system") bidding process... Round zero (which sounds suspiciously like ground zero) begins in the middle of next week, and i haven't the tiniest clue as to what modules to bid for... (ok maybe that's overstating things quite a bit...)

I do know that i have to bid for history modules (cos it's my major, duh...) and english language modules (cos i need to do at least four in total - i've so far only done one - for the moe CS2 requirement) but apart from that i am clueless... Which history modules to bid for (for there's a lot of choice...)? Do i take level 3000s? If so, then how many (i don't want my cap to freefall)? Should i do another cross fac module (this time i'll play safe and s/u it, especially after my disappointing science of music grade last sem...)? Is it possible to plan for a free day (hopefully a friday =)? Can i bid only for modules whereby the exams end early enough (i.e. before december, so as to avoid being subject to "yay, exams over!" cheers by others at the CF library felowship come exam time, while i still am pouring over my notes - it's already bad enough that i may face the prospect of having to do a paper during my birthday again)?

Aah... So many questions, and so few answers... As usual, from the brief glance that i've given to the module list for next sem, it appears that all the attractive history modules either have exams rather late or have the lectures either early in the morning or on fridays... Looks like my ideal utopic timetable for next sem is not to be... Oh well, at least there's still a week or so before 'round zero' starts so at least i still have some time to plan.

Anyway, this thought strikes me now, even for seemingly mundane things such as this, who's to say that it's not important enough to pray about? I mean, i realise that God desires for us to lift up EVERYTHING to Him, including even these trivial things like module bidding... So i shall do so... =)

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