Sunday, January 21, 2007

a drop is forecasted...

If the weekend that is about to pass has taught me anything, it is that after coming back, for some reason or other i've lost most interest in doing my readings. Now, this is not to imply that i was super interested in my readings while i was at UNC or even prior to that, but rather that after the different learning environment and style and what not that i enjoyed over there, coming back to what's more or less the same old thing over here has subonsciously gotten to me, such that now when i look at readings i just stare at them with no motivation whatsoever to actually read them.

And this weekend proved the perfect case study of this in effect. My Saturday was spent doing anything but the readings that i was supposed to do for this week - on the computer, watching dvds, playing the guitar, reading more Asterix from my newly-rediscovered collection - you name it, i did it - anything but the readings. Of course, with my semi-resolution to refrain from doing schoolwork on Sunday now seriously in jeopardy, i just decided to do whatever readings i could today instead (which incidentally still turned out to be very little owing to more procrastination on my part)

And this seriously annoys me can - i'm even entertaining the thought of going back to school on Saturdays to do work if i can't concentrate at home. At this rate, coupled with all the other stuff that has been constantly weighing on my mind since i got back (which keeps on developing into bigger and more complicated things), i'm already expecting this sem to go relatively badly for me academically at least, unless over the next few days i can somehow find more interest in my work and have a better grasp of all the distracting stuff that is happening.

(But as usual, i add my usual proviso that i often paint things to be far worse than they actually are, and this case methinks is no exception)

One good thing that i at least managed to do over the weekend is go for a run or two by the beach. While running wise i definitely cannot make it, but at least it's better than sitting idly by all the time... Ah - running by the beach - another thing i'll miss when i move to goodness-knows-where...

Over the course of the past two weeks since i've come back, i've (or rather my hairstyle has) reminded various people whom i've met of Moses (twice); a Korean pop star; a girl (my personal favorite - not); and Junichiro Koizumi. Well, finally got a haircut of some sorts so hopefully that will be the end of it...

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