Saturday, November 16, 2013

too slow to beat age

I'm turning 30 in a few days from now. No point trying to avoid the fact, given that there have been several reminders of that fact coming my way. Firstly i received the never-welcome MINDEF sms reminding me that my new IPPT window would open two weeks from the receipt of the sms (and as expected, they left out the only part of that news that was actually something to cheer about, which is that upon turning 30 i enter CAT Y1 territory, which means it becomes easier to clear the darn thing). Then there was the notification for re-registration of NRIC which came in the mail. I'm proud of the fact that i've never once lost my NRIC, but that of course meant that re-registration upon turning 30 is a non-negotiable.

Actually, the reminder that hits me the most is this: i'm getting slower, and there's not much i can do about it. I run quite a bit. As far as i can get myself to do so, i try for at least once a week, most likely on Saturday, simply because we all should exercise regularly, and for me running hits my two criteria of being (relatively) hassle-free and being something that you don't require anyone else's presence to do [not that i don't want to run with others, but i never can find people to run with me (because i never look for them)]. I've never been particularly fast, but at least i can get a decent 2.4km timing, which is all i could ever ask for.

Since maybe a couple of months ago though, i've found that i've not been able to get the same timings that i used to get over a certain distance. I feel tired more easily, and find i've to channel all my resilience to last even 10km, which has never really been a problem in recent memory. Today's run was but the latest example of that happening. Normally i'd chalk it all up to busyness (my blanket excuse for way too many things), but i don't really have that excuse to fall back on now since lessons have ended, and life at work now is (slightly) easier. So i guess the only reason i can think of now is age. I definitely could get around this by simply running more than just once a week, but that's imply not possible even now, let alone once work gets back to full gear. So i guess my only option left is to (try to) grin and bear it, and embrace the third decade.