Tuesday, May 02, 2006

so now that exams are over

So 1 May marks the first time that i've written stuff down at length during my quiet time, in keeping with my aim as professed here previously. It really has been quite cool how God put different events together all leading me to finally get down to writing - it has been one day and definitely it's a change for the better. Of course now there's the issue of keeping this up consistently - not every day will be as peaceful and free as this exam-and-school-free public holiday, but i suppose that it's less an issue of striving to be consistent than to just spend time with God and allow Him to speak to you at any point in time and to note down what He says as He says it...

Was deciding whether or not to go to school this (or to be exact, yesterday) morning, but the uncharacteristically sunny weather (which means good weather to swim - exercise sorely needed - yesterday's 6km run took waaaaay too long) and my nagging need to get stuff done for exchange (considering me left to my own devices at home would just rot and do absolutely nothing productive, all the more that exams are over) convinced me to just go (normally i would only make such sudden decisions to go to school when i was armed with a bus pass, as i would then make my money's worth, but since i've been blessed with so many lifts as of late could afford to use the bus sans a pass...).

Unfortunately, i was stuck with another TV mobile bus, the sad situation exacerbated by the fact that it was screening a repeat of the last episode of the channel eight twenty days show that is soooo a rip-off of 24... In short, it is the latest in channel eight's string of what i'd like to call accidental comedies, if you catch my drift... I tell you, my current (in)ability to still speak and understand some mandarin is due as much, if not more, to my faithfully catching those old channel eight shows like the volleyball show and the bobo show as to those horrible hua2 yu3 ke4 that i was at the mercy of for six-and-a-half years of my schooling life. Basically, if the shows then were of the same (lack of) calibre as those now, such as the totally ridiculous twenty days show, then methinks i not only wouldn't speak a word of chinese, but also would have tanked my PSLE and just faded into academic oblivion...

The brief swim was the first that i've had for a long time. It was brief mainly cos i tak boleh tahan after just twenty laps (of which i rested for a lot of time in between too) because have been way too caught up with other stuff. But thankfully i stopped when i did cos the moment i stepped out of the pool, it started to rain (but then again; fifteen minutes after that, by which i had already bathed and changed; the sun shone even brighter than it had previously...)

The whole SEP process is one long extended headache...

Went for my first election rally in like nine years just now - especially significant since i now can vote and hence must be responsible as a voter and check out who i may be voting for and know what they are all about - where else but in the east could you have an election rally with a dramatic seaside backdrop? Was very interesting and informative, though whenever the speakers switched to Mandarin or any other Chinese dialects i concurrently switched off - cos i really had no idea what they were talking about - and was left clueless whenever the audience burst out into applause or cheers. Also i totally unintentionally came wearing a shirt that had a hammer on it...

Got an invitation to go clubbing with some friends - i can't believe it's like more than four years since i last did that sort of thing (and i am sure many of you can't believe that i ever did that sort of thing) - yup but i figured that if i did go where would God be in the picture? Could i honestly say that i'd be spending my time in the best way possible - one that would glorify Him? Would all that cigarette smoke that i'd be bound to inhale be harmless to me? And would all the drinking be beneficial in any way plausible (and army has proven to me that i can indeed drink a lot - surprise surprise)? Nah... So i declined =)...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amen to ur decision against clubbing.

i'm trying very hard to picture u clubbing.... u dont go there in t-shirts and berms right?

next, i'm trying to picture u dancing, but i think u dont go there to dance.

okie, now, i'm trying to picture u drinking....