Sunday, May 07, 2006

my vote is secret...

Since it's late and all, and i have had all of one hour's sleep in the past two days, i shall keep the details for another time and just make one quick observation:

The question about whether we have a first world government and opposition (as debated ad nauseaum over the past nine days) is perhaps one that can not be easily answered with a simple yes or no.

On the other hand however, the question of the quality of the local television media (i.e. mediacorp - or imho, mediacrap), judging from the standard of the election results broadcast just now is a no-brainer: whether or not we have a first-world government and opposition, we definitely also have a very third-world television broadcast network (which annoys me to no end...).

Beyond this i shall comment on the events of the past few days another time, save for the fact that i am basically pretty ambivelent in response to the election results...

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