Monday, May 08, 2006

I have a choice - and i choose to be cryptic

Hehe am finally awake enough to comment on the sleep-deprived events of the past few days, and ironically it is at a time when i really ought to be asleep...

Well, night cycling was a blast - never thought that we'd have such a big group -18 people methinks - but in the end it went ok - God was gracious in keeping us all safe, especially during the Changi Airport perimeter road stretch, which even i get intimidated by from time to time... And this whole cycle then eat fatty and oily food then cycle some more to burn off what's eaten is such a swell idea - guilt-free pigging out i like =) And when you cycle in groups it's always seems less of an effort to cover long distances - if i were alone don't think i could have made it so far , though come to think of it, that's probably because in a group i am forced to modify my pace to suit others and hence don't tire myself out prematurely...

Managed to be awake enough to head on home, shower and then head off to my polling station with my father to vote. From what i saw in the newspaper today, i just missed seeing my neighbour the 'elected' president cast his vote, since he came once voting started and i came around five minutes after that... Ah well, anyway, it was over in a jiffy - a random point: i recognized the uncle of the bike shop outside my house who the previous day helped me to change my worn-out bike tyres at the polling station, the tyres which i around an hour or so later soiled by accidentally cycling over some gross prawns that someone had just discarded on the road at east coast...

After MEETing, joined cell-u-lights for dinner and bowling. Great to be able to spend time with them again - hope that may be when i am back will be able to commit more time to church stuff, and have a greater burden for the church too... Anyway, bowled my second-best game ever (110 - helped by a bowling computer programme which was probably programmed by an arts student given how it credited two pinfalls for a longkang shot...) so was quite happy with that...

Just some random old pic i unearthed from the thursday cg vault
-we were young and innocent then haha
and heyfrenz is the centre of attention

Those who went bowling

My team - made up of non-TPJC people - the others

Team Touching People for Jesus Christ (TPJC)

Hmm the bowling balls (which by the way, prove that i have too big hands - my fat fingers could only comfortably fit into a 14-pound ball ) look like giant skittles...

Rushed home from bowling alley to watch election coverage (see - bowling alley only 5 minutes from house =) As i said before - my vote is secret - though i am sure anyone whose talked with me about politics will be more than clear on my preferences... Well suffice to say i was annoyed in one way or other by every party - of course some much more than others. The outcome, well. it's not what i would have wanted ideally, but think it's the minimally acceptable standard for me... I tell you if certain people had won, i'd be rather peeved, and would want to, ahem, fix them =p

Maybe if one day when i am more in the mood, i shall be more overt in expressing my views regarding the election, but for now, be content with this random observation from the natural world: Night Owls terrorise Otters, Pheasants and Pigeons...

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