Thursday, May 04, 2006

morning run

Managed to wake up for a run this morning, first time i've gone for a morning run voluntarily and alone (the other times were with people and most of the time being forced to do so in army), though i did wake up late (how disgusting is it when waking up at 615am is already late?). Cos i wanted to run while it was still dark so that no one would see me wheezing and gasping for breath but oh well, by the time i reached ecp it already was seven so it was bright and sunny (and very humid and not breezy)...

The run itself was bad - i was even worse than the previous time. My plan was to - as i did the last time, run all the way to the cable skiing lagoon, make one round around it and then run back without stopping. Managed to do that roughly (i measured the distance in the street directory so no guarantees of accuracy) 6km stretch in 37 minutes on Sunday (which when averaged out is roughly equivalent to 1 km every six minutes and ten seconds - which is just plain bad) But today, after running to around the costa sands area i realised that i did not have it in me to cover the same route so i decided to run further to the jetty and then take a long break there. After that long break i had more or less run out of steam altogether so had to walk back all the way to costa sands again (after a ill-thought-out 100m attempt at running right after leaving the jetty) before mustering enough energy to hobble back to my starting point at parkway... Jialat!

Well, while i was running i did come across several people practicing what can safely be referred to as bizarre exercise regimens. From fan-flailing taiji to alternate breaststroke hand motions, from marching backwards with loud stomping to hand clapping both in front and back, from what from afar looked like chasing flies away from the head to alternate lifting of hands in a manner akin to the raised-hand salute that is banned in Germany - i almost couldn't hold my giggles in even as i was desperately running out of energy...

While i was walking back i looked up to realise that i had just walked into a black caterpillar right at my face that was hanging from a silk thread from the tree above. While i was trying to find where it was so that i could throw it off, i suddenly felt this very hard flick on my left wrist - but when i looked around to see who it was there was no one else in sight - so i dunno what caused that flick in the first place... Of course i am not one to freak out and flee in fear of a ghost so i just brushed it aside and continued for home (though i must admit that it being in broad daylight and i being right next to chinese swimming club hardly made for a scary setting - now if it was pitch dark and i was next to the chinese cemetary instead now that might have evoked a totally different response from me altogether...)

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