Sunday, April 24, 2005

studying in the library...

Now that my com is a little more well behaved... What i wanted to talk about was my experiences over the past few days, the vast bulk of it being spent in exam prep at the central library 6th floor as part 0f what i'd like to call the 6th floor chapter of the vcf library fellowship... Realised that even though i have recently may have discovered a study desk in my room, i still absorb the best in the library, which is why have spent the past week (and the week to come till friday - last paper!!!) in the library. Somehow, and by God's grace, have been motivated to wake up early enough over the past few days to go to the library before 9am everyday to chope seats for the 10-20 or so vcfers who claim membership of this totally unexclusive chapter... Must say, the atmosphere there can be really intimidating, despite occasional annoyances. Much better though, than the frigid and pindrop-audible silent reference section on the 5th floor, that a deviant few have decided suits them better... In any case, thank God for the opportunity to study in peace and with fruits borne there...
Even comes with several unsolicited extras like cool food like the high-class pocky from Joel and the poifull jellybeans from just about every girl there... It's times like these when i really thank the Japanese - their contributions to our f & b landscape are just so cool... Also the various destressing techniques like post-it pasting, mouth 'poc'-ing [my own contribution :-)] and a whole lot of other assorted craziness...
Hmmm think may actually miss these crazy studying times once my exams are over... but oh well, will prob be too busy enjoying myself to really care haha...

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