Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oi! Oi! Oi!

Well i had my class for that killer course that i was mumbling and grumbling about over the whole weekend yesterday, and i guess i emerged somewhat ambivalent from the whole thing. I was slightly heartened by the responses from the rest of the class, of which the general concensus was that those two readings were really hard to understand, even for the prof. But on the other hand that won't make things any easier for me, just that i hope as the weeks go by and there are more readings that are in my comfort zone (i.e. history readings) i'll be less uptight about the whole thing. Oh, and of course the worse part is that this class runs for three hours, starting at 5pm - even though the syllabus stated that it would end by 7:30pm. And the thing is that not one student complained or showed signs of restlessness (erm, well... except for me, that is...) once the time passed 7:30pm, and they even were candid about asking for the class to start ten minutes later so that parking would be easier for them as it would be free after five. I know for a fact that if this was NUS, practically the whole class would switch off once the promised end time is reached, and think that people would rather pay more for parking than have their knock-off time extended by even ten minutes.

I attended IV international students' Bible study just now, it was a nice time of relaxation after the past two hectic days. We hold it at my hall lounge, which is all of five seconds from my room, which is nice. Today i had a bit of a scare cos i thought i had lost my cellphone - it was with me during the study, but somehow it slipped through the gaps between the couch cushions all the way into the deep, dark and dirty recesses of the chair - only found it after ten or so minutes of frantic searching of both my room and the lounge. Well, am thankful i managed to find it - after the loss of my dear nalgene bottle at last week's football game, i wasn't about ready to lose something else of value so soon.

I was just doing my routine surfing through some quality online news reports (read: no channelnewsasia) when i chanced upon this article - well all i can say is that my already bad impression of a small minority of entirely ignorant and myopic Antipodeans has only gotten worse after reading this.

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