Saturday, September 02, 2006


I've always taken a liking to cold weather - which is actually one of the (secondary) reasons why i wanted to go on exchange in the first place - to spend a prolonged period of time away from the oppressive heat and humidity of S'pore.

So therefore when i first got out of RDU airport, i was kind of bummed to realise that the weather was almost identical to what you'd get back home, with the blazing sun in fact being even more intense than it ever gets in S'pore, with the saving grace probably being the slightly lower humidity over here, though still in general, it was hot. And it has pretty much stayed this way ever since - until today.

I suppose it's due to Tropical Storm Ernesto supposedly passing over the eastern half of North Carolina, but anyway today's weather was just great - unlike the past few days it was not raining heavily, and the weather stayed in the high fifties to sixties (to convert to Celcius, just subtract 32, divide by nine and multiply by five - or you can take my word for it that it never got above 20 degrees C). In fact i was one of the few jokers walking around wearing a t-shirt and berms without a jacket of any kind and without an umbrella either - not the wisest thing to do if i want to stay sickness-free, i'd admit, but it felt shiok i tell you...

So tomorrow i'm going for my first football game - UNC vs. Rutgers - and i'll have to say that i've never been this on about attending a sporting event before, particularly one where i know next to nothing about the sport in question itself. But the whole school culture here is one that is really in to sport, and i guess i kind of got caught along in the wave. Can you imagine it, i even wouldn't mind watching the soccer team play if the opportunity arose (which i think it should) - something that i wouldn't even give a fleeting thought to doing if i were back home. Anyway, think that the atmosphere tomorrow will be great...

After that it's off to Charlotte, NC for the rest of the Labor Day long weekend - and it should be good - guess you'll next hear from me from there then - ta!

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