Thursday, January 19, 2006

life's little joys

haven't updated in a long while (at least by my standards) cos have been very occupied with stuff, and barely have had time for myself and my inconsequential interests.

Lots of sep stuff has been done over the past few days, and i can already see the light at the end of the tunnel. In fact most of the other exchange folk have already submitted their documents, and therefore have already exited the tunnel, but me being me had to be blur enough to neglect to get my father's signature for one of the required forms before he left for Melaka, which means that silly little me has to wait till he comes back tomorrow before i can submit the stuff and see the light. Furthermore, i am a little uneasy about my documents, and i haven't finalised my tentative module selections yet. Thankfully the staff in charge are not of the i-am-here-to-make-your-life-miserable-till-your-dying-breath variety... In any case, i tell you, after all these things that i have had to do, if i somehow don't get the exchange in the end, i'll be rather irked to say the least.

On top of this has been MEET stuff. I'm not complaining, but suffice to say there is a LOT of stuff that has to be done and has been done. From reading readings that i am so not in the mood to complete to folding mini porkie puffs and frying them, the stuff to be done is just whoa...

As a result i have hardly had any time to look at schoolwork as of yet - and yet i compare the busy me of this sem to the free but kancheong spider who would pour over readings and the like of my first sem only to realise that i prefer this current scenario. Weird. Well, once this week is over, i ought to have more time on my hands to finally familiarise myself with my modules and the workload.

So while all these things have been sapping my energy, i am thankful for the little things that have been helping me to tahan it all.

Like taking time off to go for a short jog in the rain yesterday with Gary (Yes MS, i know him...), Josiah n Lizhen before FT.

Like the insightful and challenging words that the Lord has spoken to us through Mr Caña at FT itself.

Like going down to NUH to donate my B+ plasma (using a cool centrifuge machine that separates my platelets from my plasma, which incidentally looks like very concentrated urine, and then returns the platelets sans plasma to the body), and then to go back home to hear in the news that local blood banks are in need of blood. (Go and donate blood! Not pain one, and you get free milo and biscuits...) [word to the wise though, while the blood is drawn out of you, be prepared to be tortured with substandard local television productions like First Touch - which belong to a genre that i'd like to call "unintentional comedy", if you get my drift...]

Like managing to (after much difficulty) tune a guitar.

Can't wait till the end of the week.

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