Sunday, January 15, 2006

lelong lelong

Had some of the MEET team over to do the samples of the proposed food for our trip's fundraising. On the menu were mini spring roll thingies filled with pork floss (whose actual name evades me) and cornflake cookies with raisins (raising funds with raisins heh)

Some of the firsts today included:

first time i've ever folded a spring roll or anything similar to one (whenever i am at a gathering that involves the making of popiah i normally just place all the fillings in the centre of the skin, bundle everything together like a bag, and stuff the whole thing into my mouth)

first time i've ever played a significant role in the baking of anything (licking the mixing bowl clean after my mother's finished with it when i was younger doesn't count here...)

first time i've ever seen a raisin metamorphose into a round, black ball of carbon after sitting pretty on the baking tray for a mere 30 minutes in the oven

first time i've ever fried an egg, or more specifically, three egg whites sans the yolks that were used in the baking process

first time i've ever cooked something from scratch (i.e. the three egg whites fried with fishcake that i plucked from my mother's bee hoon) that actually tasted rather edible, and (at time of typing) has not made anyone (i.e. me, since i was the only one who dared to eat it) ill

first time i'm advertising for the sale of anything on this blog

Which brings us to:

MEET Thailand team, together with the other MEET teams, is embarking on its fund-raising drive. And to that effect, we are selling two delicious varieties of snacks, for your eating pleasure during Chinese New Year (while you tahan the relentless assault of CNY songs) and beyond. There are the aforementioned mini spring roll thingies stuffed with mildly-spiced pork floss with sesame seeds ($12 per jar), and cornflake raisin cookies ($15 per jar). You can also get a jar of both at the special price of $25... For enquiries/orders, you can contact me through this email address: (i'd put my hp number up but dunno if any weirdos may end up calling me should i do that). And do look out for more CNY foodstuffs being sold by the other MEET teams, and for other cool fundraising stuff as well from us =)

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