Saturday, January 14, 2006

yi2 ge4 feng1 he2 ri4 li4 de4 zao3 shang4

So in the morning i awoke, to be greeted, for the first time in methinks a week, by a reasonable amount of sunlight, and sans the pitter patter of raindrops.

After splashing some water on my sleepy-eyed face, realised that it was probably going to be a bright and sunny day (chasing the clouds away)

If i may tweak a few lines from George Harrison's Here Comes the Sun a leetle bit:

Little darling, there's been much long cold rainy weather
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun...

So i thought to myself, especially since i've replaced my lost goggles, and the weather for the first time in goodness-knows-when is just perfect for it, why not go for a swim (which i haven't done for far too long....)?

Upon reaching school, i basked in the glorious sunshine that served to further bring out the full splendour of the verdant flora, revitalised and looking in the green of health thanks to the abundant precipitation received over the past few days. (hmm this is one times wu liao paragraph)

Was happily headed towards src when suddenly i realised that, shucks, my matric card was not with me, and hence i would not be allowed to enter the pool.

So i headed off to do some other stuff instead.

Time passed and met Yuemin for lunch, had class right after that.

Related the aforementioned story to her, while still gazing regretfully at the sun-soaked surroundings.

"Hey, couldn't you have used your bus pass to get in instead?"

*slaps forehead*

Hope the sun decides to make an appearance soon, the weather patterns as of late have reminded me of the infamous damned British weather, albeit at much more tolerable levels...

Good news to any one interested (who probably equals no one): my throat infection's getting better, as evidenced by the large balls of cloudy and gooey yellow phlegm being coughed up at regular intervals being now replaced by small clumps of translucent and colourless phlegm being coughed up rather irregularly... WTMI.

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