Sunday, February 25, 2007

mid-essay non-essay thoughts

More from me once this ridiculous amount of work which i have been clearing at a ridiculously slow pace is finally over and done with by God's grace alone but now just for a little bit of nonsense posting before getting back to working on essay #1, due in just about 17 hours' time (with essays #2 & #3 due this wed and fri respectively still very much in the exploratory committee phase at the moment)

A couple of lessons learnt from this week:

- As little as cny means to me, it still nevertheless takes up a heck of a lot of my time (which ideally would have been spent on the aforementioned essays #1, #2 and #3, but in all likelihood would have been spent wasted on nothing significant)

- Attempting to stay at home and do work will result in me clocking in at least seven hours of sleep every night plus at least three to four hours of sleep every afternoon

- Never decide to be a hero and finish off the remainders of reunion dinner's devil curry featuring at least ten whole chilli padis at one sitting - your stomach will hate you for it...

- The American and S'porean definitions of the word 'break' are vastly different - during my fall break in the States i was happily exploring Chicago, during my midterm break here, well, the only exploring i could get around to is around my desk trying to find discarded notes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah i absolutely hear you on the last pt man. last spring break i was in tasmania going to a chocolate factory. and now. augh. the only chocolate i see is the stupid co-op one cuz i am stuck in the stupid school. *bangs head on wall*