Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Whooshing by...

Oh boy has it been a long time since the last one - meanwhile it's been a draining time for me physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally - yup you name it i probably had kena it. Yup it's been fun that's for sure heh...

And as usual, with the long hiatus has come a lot of things to include here which once again have decided to evade my immediate memory at this point in time. I do remember these two thingies though, which suggest to me that perhaps it's too early for me to move house since i'm still discovering a lot of things about it. 1) After staying in my room for almost three years, i finally realized that the black florescent lamp that had been sitting on the desk, abandoned by the previous owner, was actually working - i'd always assumed that it was not working just from looking it; 2) After more than a year i found my set of house keys that i'd thought were misplaced somewhere never to be found again.

Anyways speaking of house moving, the latest is that we're moving to an apartment somewhere behind PS/Istana, i.e. in town - have rather mixed feelings about that one...

Maybe will elaborate more another time - for now i ought to get to bed - but before i go here's some lyrics from a Delirious song [Majesty (Here I Am)] that spoke to me just now:

Your grace has found me just as i am
Empty-handed but alive in Your hands


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