Friday, January 12, 2007

More moping

It's just about touching a week since i arrived back here, and boy has a lot happened since then - and basically the week has left me quite worn out in all aspects - physically, spiritually, emotionally etc... As usual don't be alarmed when you read this for i am once again probably overstating the seriousness of how things actually are (and honestly, overall things still are way fine), but well the next time in the immediate future you think i look tired then you're probably right, so don't bother to ask...

For someone with a three-day week this week, there's been an awful lot of time spent in school. What's strange though is that i'm spending far fewer time in school than i would otherwise be cos on my free days i've only been getting to school at around lunchtime, compared to before when i'd arrive at eightish everyday regardless if i'd class or not. Guess its all the accumulated lost hours of sleep that i've had over the past couple of weeks that's tiring me out. And the constant rain only serves to make me even more inclined to sleep.

School itself hasn't been too bad actually - i'm pretty much satisfied with all the classes i have, bad timings and late exams not withstanding. Think in fact that this sem has the potential to go quite well in this regard.

Too bad, then, for all the distractions that have been bothering me, including of course the impending move, which continues to irk me the more i think of it. This is about as disruptive an event as i've ever had so far in my life, and i really dunno how things will turn out as the semester progresses and i've to balance work with packing stuff into boxes and all that. And am as unenthusiastic about the new place as i've ever been. Am in fact already entertaining the thought of moving on campus next year when i forseeably could be more busy than i've ever been so far at school, just so as to avoid the commutes to and from the new place - ah but that's not for a while yet...

Ah but have gotten some relaxation at least - finally watched the Queen that day - a show i've been meaning to watch since before Thanksgiving in the States but never was able to - and it definitely lived up to my expectations... And today went for dinner with a friend from army at one of those relatively expensive buffet places in Tampines (the former Pariss) which was in a sense wasted on me since practically half of the buffet was scallops, crab, prawns and the like...

Yup well the next few months definitely have a lot in store for me, and i'd be lying if i were to say that i'm looking forward to it at all. But God has continually been reminding me to stop being bothered by these events per se and look instead to Him - and He will see all these things through somehow... Far easier said than done but guess God never promised us otherwise...

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