Friday, June 24, 2005

aches and pains and potato refrains

So after my last post i decided to do some form of token exercise so that i could, at the least tell myself that i have made some form of effort, hence i decided to do at least thirty push-ups every day...

Well, at least, that was my plan. I had intended to revive this old exercise regimen that i last did around the start of the year for some strange reason that now evades me. Anyway, with much difficulty (and rest in between), i was able to do thirty on wednesday. I thought to myself, ok, still can manage lah, hopefully i can continue this till ippt so that at least i will be able to pass pull-ups...

Then i woke up yesterday morning only to be greeted by muscle/bone (i can't tell the difference) aches and pains in my shoulders... Was it because i forgot how to do push-ups properly? Was it because i am not taking enough calcium? Nope, i figure that most probably, it's because i've been slacking off for the longest time... Bleah... So in short, yesterday i only did TEN before giving up for the day... Aiyah, like that how can?

Oh gosh, anyway, this exercise thingy had better be something i maintain if i want to clear ippt, so in other words i have to bear with the pain... I definitely don't want to unneedingly sacrifice precious time to undergo rt. I did enough of that sort of thing at PTP (and hence enlisted less than a week after prom - sobs)... I know this sounds quite masochistic, but actually when i was in ptp bmt, it wasn't that bad in the sense that there was someone to tekan you to get fit, so you had no choice... Even with my entire upper (and lower) body in searing pain i would still have to be subject to various torturous training regiemes... Not that i would welcome any potential PS or PTI from hell with open arms, but maybe i would be more motivated...

In totally unrelated news, today had my VCF cg's appreciation dinner for the dinos and outgoing cgls... Note to self: next time you coordinate a pot-sharing event, make sure that you regulate the amount of each food type brought. I mean, i love potatoes (as can be seen from this url) but four different dishes of it at one dinner? Wah... Plus my mother's spaghetti, bee hoon, and Ryan's (yummy) salmon bruschetta, not to mention cakes and other starchy desserts. Severe carb overload... I need to confess to Dr. Atkins... No more potato eating in the near future...

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