Monday, July 31, 2006

(lack of) progress update

Currently the progress level of my packing for exchange has remained consistent - consistently unchanged at the point of not having packed anything at all that is - i definitely have a lot of ideas on what to pack and where to pack it in my head, but virtually none of these great ideas have translated into any actual work done to advance the packing process by any means possible - so i guess that tomorrow it's do or die - not only is there packing to do but also last-minute shopping and instruction-reading for the uni. And i am very positively sure that no matter how well tomorrow may go, once i finally take my seat on the plane i know that soon enough i'll go "oh shucks, i forgot to bring (insert name of random important thing)!" Ah well that's me for you...

In terms of communication some of you may be glad to know that i have decided to expand the narrow technological boundaries that i hold dearly to and get Skype, if not solely because it makes more monetary sense to do so for me. Now, msn is still a definite no-no, but at least got this right... Quite farny how the decaying and dusty microphone that had up to this moment had been chucked aside in one dank corner next to my pc monitor for years on end without ever being used has now suddenly found a new lease of life and even will get to go on a holiday too...

Today and yesterday too i said my so-called last goodbyes to quite a few people - have come to realise that there's a need to gradually detach oneself from these people (or more accurately - to not let my life revolve around meeting these people), simply because if i don't then i'll be feeling way too lonely once i get there and have no more chance to see them in person till many months later... Ah well, enjoyed myself today - it's very encouraging especially to see the matric comm people and the fair going on well...

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