Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Je suis très fatigué

(by the way, a French-titled blog post titles indicate utter sian-ness on my part)

I've been very physically and mentally tired over the past few days for some strange and unexplainable reason(s). Perhaps part of it had to do with the rollover effect of having too little sleep last week because of school. Averaging five hours a night is seriously not the brightest of ideas... That aside think that the pace in school also has picked up over the last couple of days, with projects to prepare and present and classes to supervise, definitely more so than last week.
The net effect has been to leave me falling asleep for practically the whole afternoon on Sunday, as well as most of yesterday once i got back home as well, in lieu of the original intention of ippt prep of some kind on both days, though think that if i had done that instead, i'd be even more dead beat now so i suppose in the larger scheme of things it's ok - everything in moderation...

Today marked the first time i got to handle a class - two in fact - though it was only to administer a test and then to screen a WWII-related film. Had to try and appear more serious though, even though today's classes did not entail that much effort on my part. Didn't help that i was feeling a little tired, having gone in the morning to the embassy to settle some visa stuff (which thankfully is near it's rightful completion), but in the end everything went alright. Ooh, did i mention that to spend so much time in the staff room, behind the scenes so to speak, is a very amusing experience indeed - i hadn't a clue as to what i was missing on the other side of the staff room door all that while...

Then originally i again had the intention of going for a run after school, but decided to tag along with some cf folk to catch Pirates 2 (and just for the record i can't for the life of me figure out what made me decide to watch Pirates 1 as a midnight show on the eve of army half marathon three years ago - sleeping all of two or so hours and eventually waking up the next day after the tortuous, cramp-filled run practically bedridden due to the pain). Wasn't the best of shows, i thought, and well, come to think of it i didn't really care much for the ride at Disneyland either... Went more for the fellowship (especially since i won't be seeing these people for a whole five months really soon) than for the movie, cos i could do without watching it since the first one didn't exactly knock my socks off. Was still rather tired though, so so much for the fellowship - since too tired (and consequently, moody) to talk much. Also meant that i probably couldn't appreciate the movie for what it was worth (though that was mainly the funny antics of Johnny Depp). But overall still ok lah (though i got pretty turned off by the abundance of seafood in the movie - almost to the point of nausea - yuck)...

So have decided to try and sleep a little more tonight - another long day ahead tomorrow - the fact that this tiring life will be over in a week, and that i am leaving in almost two weeks (plus a few hours) is just plain surreal - yes so surreal that i shall only ponder over it in my sleep... Nite folks...

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