Saturday, March 01, 2008

you pay 'em peanuts, you get peanuts

um ok i guess under the circumstances (first draft due in just over 52 hours' time, with only 1/6 of the maximum word count now being actually typed out), typing this perhaps isn't exactly the best idea (and i'd sort of resolved not to put anything new here until i handed the draft up).

but well, to let my rarely-seen optimistic streak manifest itself at an opportune moment, i have at least finished a (tentative) introduction, somehow managing to squeeze everything into the 1000 word limit (and then periodically - as in every fifteen minutes or so - revisiting it for revision, alternating between trimming and adding as it appears to fit best at that point in time, but ensuring that i end up with exactly 1000 words), and i've also done the opening few paragraphs of each of my three chapters, which for me is the most troubling part to do, after that, the content is by and large already up here (points to head). But of course there's nothing to write for a conclusion yet cos i'm still not sure how's that gonna turn out... Well anyways, this is meant to be a work in progress, and i know there'll be a lot of revision to do once i get the draft back, so why do up so much that will end up being cut and revamped? (i can practically see the angel and devil on either side of my head now...)

in any case, they chose, of all times, now to install a drainage system right by the slope outside my window, so there's this constant and jarring drilling noise that i've to contend with... And anyways who am i if not the ultimate last-minute worker (who still never misses a work deadline thank you very much)?

let me randomly grumble aloud as to how somehow the higher-ups tend to get away scot free over here - there was the business with the dunking; our dear friend TT and his shenanigans with the nkf (btw is that word like back in now that Juno has uttered it?); and now this inexcusable escape, yet none of the relevant highly-paid folk get the sack, or even a reprimand for that matter. Instead it's those further below (i wouldn't call them scapegoats, but to some extent that's a valid use of the word) who get it bad. Anywhere else and it's bye-bye seven-figure salary (oh wait, i stand corrected, anywhere else there wouldn't be a seven-figure salary). And in this most recent case, what do we get? Nothing but a smug, insincere apology delivered with the same arrogance and that oh-look-at-me-mr-high-and-mighty face. Surely if people are paid that much, they can at least have the common decency to be more accountable for their responsibilities...

herein ends the rant of a concerned and pissed off S'porean. Now back to writing (oops, actually, think i'll lunch first =p).

Happy 122nd - while you celebrate your birthday at the Shangri-la, i'll be at pgp toiling over my com.

btw, i came across this quick poll on the channelnewsasia website (as much as i hate cna, the other realistic option for getting local news online is ST which requires payment, and imho they don't deserve it). my views on the youth olympics aside (and they shall remain private), when i saw this my first reaction was "what the s***" (pardon the bad language) [btw just cut-n-paste cos couldn't figure out html]

quick poll:

Singapore has won the bid to play host for the 2010 Youth Olympics Games.

-Yes! It shows size doesn't matter and I am glad for the vote of confidence

-I believe this will develop sport in Singapore and teach people to look beyond the material

yup, these were the only two options btw - it's kinda like what Colbert does when he poses visibly annoyed Democratic congressmen this question during "Better Know A District": "George W. Bush - great president, or the greatest president?" Kinda farny in that case, less so here...

oh goodness save me from this crap (cna, i mean)...

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