Sunday, March 02, 2008


Eh i dunno why as my deadline draws closer i feel more compelled to put stuff here, even as writing has seen (less than adequate) progress since yesterday - oh MSK, why did you have to escape now of all times?

But anyways, i was again paying an excruciating visit to cna in order to check out local news, when i came across some good news - (no, he's not yet found) they're setting up an independent committee of inquiry to find out how the guy escaped and recommend measures to prevent this from ever happening again.

But wait a minute: independent committee of inquiry you say? Let's pay a little visit to our friends over at

1.not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker.
2.not subject to another's authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free: an independent businessman.
3.not influenced by the thought or action of others: independent research.

Fair enough. Now let's look at who makes up this independent committee:

"The committee is chaired by Goh Joon Seng, a retired judge (and current member of the Council of Presidential Advisers), with former police commissioner and current ambassador-at-large Tee Tua Ba, and Deputy Secretary of Security at the Home Affairs Ministry, Choong May Ling"

So let me get this straight, "independent" as defined by the higher-ups somehow is able to describe a presidential adviser (ok, that one still can i guess), a former police commissioner and current ambassador-at-large (hmm tricky - but to give the benefit of the doubt, he is a former police commissioner, so he is not currently within the system), and *what?!* a deputy secretary at MHA [ok, this doubt of mine doesn't even have any benefit to worm out of it - seriously, none of the above definitions (nor any from the rest on the list, for that matter) could even in their most liberal interpretation, include a senior official from the ministry in charge of ISD, who run the Whitley detention center in the first place].

Aiyah, but well i've really to be getting back to work - doesn't mean i'm not super miffed at the whole thing though - i still maintain that our friend WKS ought to give a sincere apology for a change and then step down - though chances are, when the findings of this 'independent' committee come out, he'll still be there without a tinge of guilt, and with that same arrogant mug. Sad.

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