Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thoughts on Gaza

During the time of intercession at church last Sunday there was a time of prayer for the current crisis in Gaza. Prayer for world events is something that i've become more passionate about (even if admittedly i still don't do enough of that if it's not a prayer led by someone else), so that was heartening for me.

By the end of the prayer however, alarm bells were ringing in my head. Cos (at least in my opinion) the prayer was clearly directed more towards Israel and less towards Gaza. No mention of the Palestinians whatsoever was made, and the closest there got to this was praying something to the extent of "for the families of the dead and injured". There however was plenty of mention of stuff like the protection of the Jews and the salvation of God's chosen people. Fair enough, but i thought that to include this without mentioning the Palestinians and the hundreds, if not thousands more (compared to the Israelis) of Palestinian casualties, including many civilians among them, wasn't right. I almost felt like i was in some church in Texas... No matter how positively the whole story is spun in Israel's favor, and how horrible Hamas may be, the fact is that both sides have a part to play in delaying a tentative ceasefire, which should at the least be a major, if not the top priority at the moment. Instead we see continued heavy shelling by the Israelis with even the UN HQ being shelled. To me, it's disgusting.

I must admit i have yet to understand full enough about how what is written in the Bible applies to the current Israeli state and the Israelis as God's chosen people. Is this purported 'act of defence' against Hamas (and by virtue of the density of Gaza, the entire Palestinian population there) really akin to the battles against the Hittites, Jebusites, Canaanites and whatever other -ites there are., lending Godly justification to what has been going on for almost three weeks now? I'm certainly not convinced, and am waiting to be convinced otherwise...

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