Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wish i could be here for another 525600 minutes...

...cos then i'd still be around to watch this:

it's showing here (yes, on campus - the venue, Memorial Hall, is all of three minutes' walk from my room) for two days, and only 25 days (which is in fact only 36000 minutes) after i fly off. Student tickets (which already have been sold out, by the way) cost all of 10 USD, which, if i remember correctly, is probably about less than 20% of what i paid for my ticket when i watched it at the Kallang Theatre (and the venue here on campus is far better, imho)

I'm not gonna pay,
I'm not gonna pay,
I'm not gonna pay,
for next year's Rent...

It suddenly hit me today that relaxation will have to wait when i'm in the D.C. area to visit relatives over this weekend since i've three midterms on three successive days once i get back - kinda like a final fling before fall break... So looks like the books will have to accompany me after all... *bleah*

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