Sunday, October 29, 2006

Groundhog Hour

I was sorta bummed about the fact that i've yet to finish my work yet (though i'm getting close!) and then i got an IM from Brooke, my ride to church tomorrow reminding me that daylight saving time expires about two hours from now, which basically means that i've an extra hour of sleep tonight and less worries about waking up early enough tomorrow to avoid a rush of activity...

Now to wait for the cheap thrill of setting my watch back an hour and auto-repeat one hour of my life...

One tiny thing though is that i'm no longer exactly twelve hours behind S'pore which means that calculating timing is now gonna be a little tricky, with my bad math and all...

So for the tentatively scheduled skype teleconference that i have with you guys who know who you are, do remind me again when exactly we're supposed to be online (and preferably subtract thirteen hours from your time and let me know when's that) cos chances are left to my own devices i may screw something up...

It's not for a few days yet, but i saw some pretty interesting Halloween costumes on Franklin Street today - one really smart one that i saw was two ladies dressed entirely in white with a big yellow circle on each of their tops, and carrying red pitchforks, and also adorned with pointed ears and a long pointy tail - both red as well. They were Deviled Eggs - that really cracked me up - pun fully intended =p...

Surprise surprise, we lost football again... Sigh...

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