Wednesday, May 11, 2005

lots of stuff

Yay after regaining full lucidity can recap the exciting string of events over the past few days...
Of course, i shall begin with the oft-hyped nite cycling on Sunday nite/Monday morning... Contrary to expectations, it turned out to genuinely be nite cycling with sporadic eating, rather than eating with sporadic nite cycling in between Was really fun, cos so many people came, although the list of people who were supposed to go varied greatly from the final group of people who went. To recap, there was Joel, Andrew, Jocelyn, Chris, Yinbing, Kelvin, Christine, Ian Chen, Ruthann, Jason, Marcus (ever-efficient safety vehicle), Mark (till Kallang at 1050pm) n Minzhi [oh, n me =)]... Got to know several people better, had great fun especially in the frighteningly long slope stretching from PGP all the way to the HSS Library area, where apparently a little accident occured the year before. And we ONLY made two refreshment stops along the way, not counting lagoon food centre before and McD's after... Was really cool to cycle along near-deserted roads at night, save for the occasional taxi now and then... First time night cycling and hopefully not my last (HINT) Anyways, thank God for faithfully keeping us safe throughout the journey to and from Fong Seng from ECP.
Then after a couple of hour's rest went to meet the Sentosa people for dinner before the VCF AGM at NUS... Very interesting AGM, certainly the most entertaining one i've ever attended (not that i've attended many), choice quote: "...God. Is like an onion..." That's what inadequately-long rests and imaginative minds can do to a perfectly innocent analogy...
After that was the 'star-gazing' at Mel's place, which turned out to be more of just plain chilling, with nary an eye casting glances at the sky... Quite a few people went (mainly from thursday cg =), recap: Mel, Angela, Eunice, Meisi, Minghui, Ryan, Deborah (b'day May 17), Angeline, Kevin, Ade the cat, (guest appearance by Jocelyn) n Fern. While playing Bible Charades, found out that a Christian song exists called 'All Rise' [which, for the uninitiated, is also the title of a Blue song], which needless to say inspired some rather interesting guesses for subsequent Hymn titles... Then there were also the rather intriguing games of Bluff (where we realised that Meisi looks like she's lying even when she's telling the truth) and Indian (or is it Russian?) Poker, where yours truly was made to reveal some (juicy?) secrets about himself despite having the cards always being in his favour, while learning much interesting stuff about others too... *dead fish* *juice-o-meter*
Then after staying up the whole night, went to the airport to send the Thailand MEET team off, them i decided to stay behind and waste time at the airport, then send off Beidi who's now at Yellowstone (so fun!), then also bumped into Jack Kie, who's going on the same thingy. LAter after lunch at the airport with Renshao, even managed to see Lydia before she flew off on her India YEP...
Mmmmm All in all, a rather eventful few days i've had. Since then have been sleeping LOADS in order to catch up on countless lost hours. Ah, the irony of it all, have probably lost more sleep hours to these two days of fun then i did over the few weeks spent preparing for and taking the recent exams... Priorities, priorities...

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