Sunday, April 01, 2007


过去一周,我花了很多时间思考很多事. 部分原因是我不在身边的许多过去一周.

反正 其中的许多事情是我是怎样思考我往,几乎都非常反感 跟中国的东西. 我计算过,我虽然有了一个很坏的言语 这一切,我讨厌这种方式,我是从什么时候开始学, 这真是不应该这样无话可说.

因此,我有决心学好华语. 这项新计划的一部分,将涉及本博客矿井. 从现在起,每一任本博客将写中文. 实在不容易,这是肯定的,但我觉得这是我做的. 所以对不起所有那些无法阅读, 仿佛你不会让我的博客被阅读了.


不错,今天是四月一日. 快乐愚人节!

(由程,我相信有很多这里写了什么没有意义, 如有可言 - 这是什么花了整整一周的工作是否给你做吨)

再见, 亲光


Anonymous said...

my goodness. i can barely understand what u're writing. u're using formal chinese (ie. chinese used in a formal way) unnaturally and u're jumbling up everything. the last part is the clearest though - happy april fool's.


purplecross said...

oh my goodness matthew levi tay qing guang. your chinese is... bad.. but i should be encouraging so, your chinese is bad... for a half-chinese, BUT good for a half-chinese, esp one who stopped learning chinese in p6.

IF i thnk i understood that mumbohumbo you were trying to say, you said that you wanted to read more chinese stuff. yes please. go read the CHINESE bible. you will CONFIRM improve.

maicie said...

no lah, he hates chinese so much. i think he means he was just joking when he said that he actually wanna learn chinese. like happy april fool's.

maicie said...

haha paiseh i am very intrigued by this. but i was testing my hypothesis that if i translate whatever-u're-trying-to-say back into english, and then adding in the right connector words... yeah. i can sort of figure out what u're trying to say for the most part.

this is quite fun. can u post more of such stuff next time?

Anonymous said...

i don't know if this means my chinese sucks, but i understood the whole thing cuz i immediately translated it in my head. arrrgh. i got chinese the level of a mestizo and i came from a sap school? *konks* kuai4 le4 si4 yue4 ben4 dan4 jie2. HAHA

fishy! said...

LOL you used a translation software.

A tYpICaL... said...

haha.. so did u use a translator software? i was about to be nice and encouraging by saying that your chinese is not too bad, even though i cannot understand the most part of it :p