Wednesday, April 12, 2006

momentary heart attack

i dunno why, but my cardiac activity always goes up a notch whenever i receive in the mail any envelope marked


and with a return address that has any mention of 'NS' or 'MINDEF' or any other spooky things like that...

of course, things all go back to normal once it's opened and it turns out to be some blah fyi stuff of secondary importance...

well, have the next few hours ahead of me to (begin and) finish my essay, which has been dogging me for the past week or so. As usual, in spite of the circumstances which would, without God in the picture scream "Die lah!", i can instead sit here happily typing this and delaying getting started with it. And not because i disregard its importance, or have a false sense of security or i have blind faith in what God can do and expect Him to get it done for me without me putting in any effort whatsoever, but because expressing all this out is really cathartic for me, and furthermore even in typing this out i see it as a reminder of my own inadequacy, all the more so in the face of God's omnipotency, and therefore a reminder to bring it all before Him. Know i say this over and over (and over) again, but it bears repeating... This peace that i have is real =)

God has also been really great in providing various people over the course of the past few days as sources of encouragement in different ways, even in the midst of tackling this essay that has been getting to me quite a bit... I suppose you've all noticed how off-tangent i've been as of late, so thanks all you guys (n gals), you've helped make my day, (as cheesy as this sounds - and i also said this during cg btw) i feel really loved... *warm and fuzzy feeling*

I expect a happy post-mortem post tomorrow =)

Off to fight the battle


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