Friday, May 20, 2005

the twilight zone

Yupyup i can almost hear the eerie score now, am at the NUS central (or as many now refer to it as, the arts) library cos just finished a meeting for matric fair stuff, n had decided to bring my laptop along to check if its wireless capabilities were still alright... Well, as one may guess, by God's grace am able to get a connection, cos around the exam period i had tried to get a connection but i couldn't, no matter how hard i tried, my limited computer skills notwithstanding... (maybe it really was the Lord's hand - so i wouldn't get too distracted from studying)
And so here i am typing this in the library. It certainly is a pale shadow of what it used to be a mere month ago, while exams were in full swing... My dear old study haunt, the sixth floor is closed for the hols, and so for the first time in a long time am at the frigid arctic zone that is the fifth floor. Although it apparently is summer now on the fifth floor, perhaps the library people, anticipating the fall in visitorship during the hols, have finally made the long overdue decision to raise the 5th floor thermostat in order to put everyone's school fees to better use... [anyway, speaking of temperature, went online to check the projected weather in the places i'm visiting in the US, in hopeful anticipation of something cooler than the ridiculous heat we're getting here. Most places are fine, save for Vegas, where the daytime temperature apparently will reach 100F or more, which is close to 40 degrees celcius... aaaaaaahhhhhh]
Not many people around here, perhaps apart from PRCs, who still have to come to school... Met some of those from my PRC camp and ESC groups just now... Apart from them, the library is largely a dead zone, or should i say, the twilight zone *cue spine-tingling music*

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