Wednesday, November 14, 2007

physically un-proficient, mentally even less so...

Can't seem to get away from noisy and therefore distracting people around keeping me from getting real productive work done while in the engin com lab so...

Just got back from ippt - was the first time i've taken it when i failed - i'm not too annoyed that i failed (and anyway, as i've only recently come to realize, being a full-time student precludes having to sign up for rt even though i failed), but it's the way in which i failed which is so frustrating for me.

Managed to finish the four static stations with little trouble (as in just barely cleared all of them save for shuttle run, even though to my slight surprise i almost couldn't to enough sit-ups). So i needed to get a 12:20 to pass and an 11:00 to get $100. I was not too convinced that i could do 11min though it was vaguely possible, but 12:20 was definitely no prob. Or at least so i thought...

Cos of my number tag (091) i was placed in the first detail (i.e. all those whose numbers ended in '1'). And when the clock started, (and only cos think everyone else in my detail was older and therefore didn't need to run faster) i immediately went to the front and hence led the way. Things were good until say the 500 meter mark - btw this was the first time i was running in Maju Camp - and one thing about the route here is that, unlike Bedok, where you've to do 6 laps of the track; here you do three laps of a road route. Now, i actually prefer the road route, cos it feels shorter than the same distance run on the track. The problem was that since i was not familiar with the route, and i was in the lead, there was no one for me to follow - so i happily turned right instead of left (cos they had said follow the yellow line and there was a yellow line turning right as well - the line left was actually broken since it was across the junction and when one is running at such a speed one usually is less-than-observant). I went on in the wrong direction for at least half a minute before turning around and realizing that no one was behind me - i knew i couldn't have been that fast, so it was only then when i realized that i salah. Think whoever was behind me must have been more aware of what was going on and so went the correct way. So i ran across a portion of the parade square to rejoin the actual route - but the whole think took out so much from me both physically and mentally that by the end of it all, i stood no chance... Must have lost methinks at least near a minute owing to my error based on the extra distance alone, and prob more due to an inability to recover from that.

Well, what are the odds that things came together in such a way that i just happened to be the fool leading the way? Thankfully i'm more or less beyond being too worked up about this (though admittedly it's mainly cos there are no adverse consequences to failing). I also can't help but see the irony - running is basically the only prep that i did for ippt (and i did quite a fair bit of that), and in the end it was the very thing that did me in. Heh.

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