Thursday, November 22, 2007

oh the pain...

I've never thought much of the recent wave of Asian horror flicks starting from The Ring all the way to whatever it is that we have now (i lose track). But i must admit that i've never cringed as much as i did when watching this latest offering - presenting: the Singapore Media Development Authority's Upper Management "Rap". (and btw i found it after going here)

i really feel for these people if they don't know how unintentionally hilarious their little attempt to be trendy or whatever you want to call it actually is. But if they didn't writhe in pain when negotiating some of the lyrics of this piece (or when they saw the finished product for themselves) then well maybe they deserve it... And whoever conceptualized and produced this in the first place, well - i also dunno what to say... In comparison, it makes even the PCK SAR-Vivor Rap seem like a grammy contender...

anyways, with our mass media in the hands of creative geniuses like these, no wonder why sometimes i'm not too big on staying cooped up here...


ArkAngel said...

My eyes! My ears! MY mind!

Needless to say, my respect for MDA has turned into negative values

chilipino said...

haha ya upon second viewing though i think the production and all is generally alright, apart from some timelag issues. It's the actors and script which just make the whole thing awful - good intentions, horrendous results...