Monday, June 25, 2007

the unearthly hour

How does yours truly end up wide awake at four in the morning, and furthermore having had been so for the past twenty or so hours? How is it that from one look at his face he looks like a long-abandoned castaway on Survivor? How is it that he has not brushed his teeth in two days, nor eaten any dinner the previous night apart from five cream crackers?

It's a real long story you know, but to cut it short - it all has to do with that old bugaboo - moving house. Every new day, its annoyances unfold. Filling my mind, with more grumbles untold (well, at least until now, although i shall keep it real short since now i do feel sleepy again...)

It's been a real tiring couple of days for us all,
with Bingo not being an exception...

By the end of moving most of the stuff to the new place,
this is what greeted me when i tried to enter my room.
"How do i enter thee? Let me count the ways... Eh, none!"

Hmm maybe i'll elaborate more once this day's sleep catches up with me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello bingo! i'm glad he went along with you :)